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Type: Posts; User: fcwilt

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  1. My long term goal is to equip these printers with...

    My long term goal is to equip these printers with Diamond 5 color hotends - the Duet with expansion handles that with aplomb.

    I'm retired after working hard for many, many years - it's time to...
  2. Perhaps you would feel differently after you...

    Perhaps you would feel differently after you worked with them - I feel it is money well spent - the documentation and forum support (by the developers) is worth something - to me anyway. And the...
  3. Because of the hit-or-miss nature of...

    Because of the hit-or-miss nature of documentation, the limits of 8 bit boards and more I have settled on the Duet product line as my "goto" controller board. Yes they are more expensive but given...
  4. I bought three low cost delta kits (from China)...

    I bought three low cost delta kits (from China) just to see what you got for $300 or so.

    I first put them together using the stock parts and they seemed to work fine BUT I did not do a lot of...
  5. Thanks for the feedback. I have little...

    Thanks for the feedback.

    I have little experience with 3D printers.

    It just seems to me that moving the bed in the Z axis makes sense as that movement corresponds to the layers printed.
  6. Thanks - that helps.

    Thanks - that helps.
  7. Thanks much. It would make searching for a...

    Thanks much.

    It would make searching for a given style easier if they had names of some sort. I was looking to buy a printer that moved the bed along the Z-axis and couldn't figure out a google...
  8. What do you call the type of printer that uses the Z axis to raise/lower the bed?


    There are many approaches (in terms of what axis does what) to designing non-delta 3D printers.

    Does each approach have a name?

    What do you call the type of printer that uses the Z axis...
  9. Replies

    Problem Replacing Marlin with Repetier

    Tried to replace Marlin with Repetier - No FansToday, 12:53 AM

    I'm building a Anycubic K2 (mini kossel)

    It uses this board:
Results 1 to 9 of 9