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Type: Posts; User: Themoonisacheese

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  1. Replies

    i dont think you can. not with the default...

    i dont think you can. not with the default makerware slicer anyway. if your slicer can output 3xg files you probably can use that one to do it, but watch out for the size of the dual extruders.
  2. finally figured the clogging issue-thanks to the...

    finally figured the clogging issue-thanks to the makerbot eu support . it appears it was just a matter of the spring "thighteners" (the little brass bolts that makes them be stronger) were not that...
  3. I printed stuff with 60°c bed temp + 3d printing...

    I printed stuff with 60°c bed temp + 3d printing lac, and it worked only to a certain extent

    the filament justs stops extruding after about 30 mins (i'd say that corresponds roughly to a full spin...
  4. TBH i dont recognise half of the words you used...

    TBH i dont recognise half of the words you used :p

    I assume you are telling me to replace the fan that's cooling my filament... well, it doesnt exists. the plan is to add one then change filament...
  5. well, thanks. i am now able to change speed, i...

    well, thanks.

    i am now able to change speed, i think.

    now problem is, I just can't print big parts without the extruder clogging itself in the first 30 mins.

    i am now printing at 40mm/s with...
  6. well, the second issue has definitely been fixed,...

    well, the second issue has definitely been fixed, but the filament keeps clogging itself.
    will try to recalibrate it, but makerware for linux doesnt allow me to set different speed for different...
  7. Did this and fixed the 2nd issue. now the...

    Did this and fixed the 2nd issue. now the filament got stuck on the axis of the storage wheel, and the printing failed (again). I started it again, but my workday will be over long before it ends. I...
  8. I tested different temps on a test model and...

    I tested different temps on a test model and 240°C seemed good, i didnt go higher tho. under 220°c it would just never come out of the extruder.

    also, how do you lower the speed only for one...
  9. you can click the link to have a better...

    you can click the link to have a better resolution of the image (or does it not shows up for you?)

    the last try failed because of the first issue, but it managed to actually cover all the mess...
  10. unefortunately this is not an option. but thanks...

    unefortunately this is not an option. but thanks for the answer :)
    will try to lower the speed.

    UPDATE: printing at 65mm/s doesnt do the trick apparently. i decided to let it do it's thing and...
  11. [SOLVED] Replicator 2x is clogging itself after 1/2 h

    I dont quite know how to put it into words, but basically, we have a Makerbot 2x at work, and it has several problems.
    the first one seems semi-random, and is just the extruder clogging itself, but...
Results 1 to 11 of 11