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Type: Posts; User: revol

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  1. Here is my Marlin 1.1.4 configuration.h for my...

    Here is my Marlin 1.1.4 configuration.h for my Pegasus 10" with Titan extruder and BLTouch.
  2. Set acceleration to 500, and it appears the seam...

    Set acceleration to 500, and it appears the seam is gone. Still interested in seeing feedback on how everyone else configures this.
  3. Z Seam issues. Pegasus acceleration and jerk settings?

    I've been dealing with a z seam issue for quite a while now. The outer wall will have a mark on it where the retraction occurs, but it's not a retraction or blob issue. It appears like the beginning...
  4. Replies

    I've got Cura printing to the bed now. I think it...

    I've got Cura printing to the bed now. I think it was just that the speed wasn't quite right.

    Now to work on the reason I've moved to Cura in the first place: z seam. Will create a separate thread...
  5. Replies

    Heated bed is what I've been planning to try...

    Heated bed is what I've been planning to try next, but I shouldn't have to, right? If it works with one slicer, why not another?
  6. Replies

    I've been trying to get Cura working for my...

    I've been trying to get Cura working for my Pegasus 10", after exclusively using Simplify3D. I can't get my first layer to adhere to the bed. I'm using PLA, and with S3D I've never had trouble...
  7. Replies

    I just ordered a BLTouch, for use with my 10"...

    I just ordered a BLTouch, for use with my 10" Pegasus. I've got a Titan extruder and a blower fan, and I cannot find one BLTouch mount that will work with my setup. It seems like every Titan mount...
Results 1 to 7 of 7