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Type: Posts; User: Rainday21

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  1. Replies

    Thoroughly Surprised by how well this looks

    I must admit that I wasn't a big fan of some of the other 3D printing pens (if you can even call it that), but the LIX does seem like its really good quality, and the price is right. I've backed...
  2. Replies

    David Structured Light Scanner SLS-2?

    Has anyone heard any feedback or actually used the David Structured Light scanner SLS2? I'd like to know how it compares with the Sense scanner. It's priced at quite a bit more (2320,50 EUR), but...
  3. If I had to guess I'd say I'm probably close to...

    If I had to guess I'd say I'm probably close to 450-500. It's been a fun learning process for sure.
  4. As for a surface, I'd say any glass surface...

    As for a surface, I'd say any glass surface should be fine. Stay away from granite at all costs!

    I tried this, but I think I left them in for too long. I ended up losing so much of my fine...
  5. These robots are pretty cool. They only use...

    These robots are pretty cool. They only use Makerbot for prototyping though. Final products are outsourced elsewhere.
  6. Replies

    A Bunch of FREE MakerBot Designs Up today

    Makerbot uploaded a bunch of pretty cool designs to their thingiverse account today. This beats having to pay for them on the makerbot digital store :)

  7. Building a 3D Printer Vs. Buying a 3D Printer

    Just wondering what your opinions are on whether you think it is better to build a 3d printer or buy one. I know there are a lot of arguments going both ways, but I'm trying to get feedback on this....
  8. Am I the only one that is pretty excited about...

    Am I the only one that is pretty excited about this? Still no definite date on when it will come to netflix though. I'm hoping it's next month.
  9. Replies

    LOL, what do you plan on doing with it then? If...

    LOL, what do you plan on doing with it then? If you don't recycle it, it will eventually make its way to a landfill :)
  10. Replies

    Thanks, very helpful. I'm a newbie to Slic3r so...

    Thanks, very helpful. I'm a newbie to Slic3r so hopefully this will give me a boost :)
  11. Thread: Flexy-Hand

    by Rainday21

    You will definitely have to show us your results!

    You will definitely have to show us your results!
  12. Ha, I saw the Atena version on Thingiverse. ...

    Ha, I saw the Atena version on Thingiverse. Didn't know they had the armor version too. Pretty cool stuff
  13. Replies

    Sketchup 2014 is released - anyone try it?

    I just saw that Sketchup 2014 has been released. Has anyone tried it yet? Anything new with it?
  14. If you could print in Metal, what would you print?

    Let's just say that at home 3D printers were available that could print in metal (most types of metal). What is it that you would print, and why?

    I would probably make some metal iphone cases. ...
  15. Replies

    This is a really good printer for $689. At least...

    This is a really good printer for $689. At least it seems that way. I guess you don't know until you actually print with it. For the specs, the price is awesome though.
  16. Replies

    Hasn't moved much in the past week. Still in the...

    Hasn't moved much in the past week. Still in the $500K range with 5 days to go.
  17. Replies

    I've used it and have had good results. I think...

    I've used it and have had good results. I think shapeways is probably the most reliable though.
  18. Has anyone out there actually built this yet and...

    Has anyone out there actually built this yet and can provide bit of feedback on how it works?
  19. A decent idea, but I don't think most of us want...

    A decent idea, but I don't think most of us want our everyday items to be made out of LEGOs, so we?
  20. Replies

    Oh wow! Thanks for sharing Simon. I'll be...

    Oh wow! Thanks for sharing Simon. I'll be keeping any eye on your website as well. I'm sure you have a very busy couple of months ahead of you!
  21. It'll be interesting to see what they release...

    It'll be interesting to see what they release next year. I have a feeling that there will be a lot more competition by then.
  22. This is amazing. Within 10 years, they will be...

    This is amazing. Within 10 years, they will be able to print basically any organ. That means if someone gets lung cancer, they will simply print a new lung. If someone has a bad heart, a new...
  23. Why isn't there a MakerBot SLA or SLS printer?

    Makerbot has the most popular 3D Printers on the planet, but yet to me they are using a technology that will eventually die out. I don't foresee filament based printers ended up the future of 3D...
  24. Replies

    This is a great printer. $3299 is a bit pricey,...

    This is a great printer. $3299 is a bit pricey, but that's what you can expect to pay for a nice Resin printer like this. Whether you want to wait a few months like jimc says depends on how much of...
  25. News I have a feeling Epson has something up their...

    I have a feeling Epson has something up their sleeve that won't be announced for a while. At least that's what it sounds like.
Results 1 to 25 of 60
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