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Type: Posts; User: Nicholas Seward

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  1. I personally don't have any prior art prior to...

    I personally don't have any prior art prior to the filing date. However, they are looking at mostly planar layers with just a nonplanar skin. I want all the layers to be nonplanar. They also talk...
  2. As the designer of RepRap GUS Simpson, this warms...

    As the designer of RepRap GUS Simpson, this warms my heart. I can't wait for them to release some videos. It seems like they may be starting the teaser campaign a little early. I wish them the...
  3. I was going to connect all the Z-lifts with one...

    I was going to connect all the Z-lifts with one loop of string. If I do it right, I can use guitar tuners to adjust the corner heights.

    The Z-resolution is okay in the worst case scenario. ...
  4. Are you talking about the Bukito...

    Are you talking about the Bukito? I have to stress that this is a very raw concept at the moment with the design goal of being able to slip it in a backpack without a deploy/stow operation.
  5. Replies

    When properly tensioned (I have printed 4kg+...

    When properly tensioned (I have printed 4kg+ without a retension.) the gantry won't fall.

    The article was just pointing out that in a CoreXY arrangement that you have the same resolution in both...
  6. Well, if you want crazy, build a Morgan, GUS...

    Well, if you want crazy, build a Morgan, GUS Simpson, Wally, LISA, Kossel or even a Sextupteron.
  7. Replies

    Hello. I am the creator of the printer above. ...

    Hello. I am the creator of the printer above. It is a bit of a cheat to say that it is 3X as fast. In the video, I had the speed ramped up to 3X the default slic3r speeds. It is important to note...
  8. One more note: $6 and 18 bot hours isn't the...

    One more note: $6 and 18 bot hours isn't the whole story. RepRap is about having a machine that can make itself. It would be an easy thing to use no plastic. However, the idea is that you use...
  9. A few things. Quentin Harley intends this to be...

    A few things. Quentin Harley intends this to be the next default. (RepRap is not really a monolithic thing. It is just a bunch of semi-like minded people working to make self-replicating machines....
  10. I don't think the Morgan is going to be the...

    I don't think the Morgan is going to be the default. RepRap Simpson and RepRap Wally are arguably more in line with the RepRap ideal but I don't think they will be the default either. It will take...
  11. Replies

    Sticky: Hi, I am a fairly new RepRapper (April 2013)...


    I am a fairly new RepRapper (April 2013) but I have made a splash with RepRap Wally and RepRap Simpson. I have a lot of other projects and ideas but not enough time. I am currently trying to...
Results 1 to 11 of 11