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Type: Posts; User: entre3D

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  1. Replies

    Replicator 2x replacement parts

    Will this flashforge dual hot end work as a replacement on my rep 2x?
  2. Makerbot's reply was that I needed to remove...

    Makerbot's reply was that I needed to remove Sailfish and go back to MBI firmware, because Sailfish isn't supported in the 2X.
  3. This all started sometime after installing...

    This all started sometime after installing aluminum Z arm upgrades. This was the 2nd of 2 printers I installed on, no issues on printer 1. I wonder if it's related. I'll try removing the threaded rod...
  4. No. Its just slowly lowers itself free of any...

    No. Its just slowly lowers itself free of any motor control. Silently drops. Works fine when I start a print. It's just after going to home axis or after bed leveling
  5. build plate free falls after moving to home axis

    I don't know that this is really a problem but a strange behavior for sure. If I tell my 2X to go to home axis, it does, but then the build plate just basically free falls away.

    Glad to find this...
Results 1 to 5 of 5