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Type: Posts; User: walkercreations

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  1. Replies

    Thanks for that info. Anyone looking for my...

    Thanks for that info. Anyone looking for my settings, see my post above.
  2. Replies

    Not all Slicers are created equal

    Not sure what the forum did with the original attachment, anyone wanting or needing a copy of my settings, PM me with an email address to send them to and I will be happy to share them with you.
  3. Replies

    I have ordered a spool of the Intservo PETG and...

    I have ordered a spool of the Intservo PETG and am looking forward to trying it out. Hopefully it is everything I have read about it so far.
  4. The whole numbers thing did work. Now I don't...

    The whole numbers thing did work. Now I don't understand how this is supposed to work. When setting it up, I told the Rambo the Zero point was where I made the mark on my Heated Bed. I made the mark...
  5. Thanks everyone for the replies. It is very much...

    Thanks everyone for the replies. It is very much appreciated. I'm at work on an overtime day so will have to try the whole numbers bit this afternoon. If that doesn't work, I will upload my...
  6. Below is what I am trying to flash: 5458

    Below is what I am trying to flash:

  7. Update: I have spent the last 2 hours trying...


    I have spent the last 2 hours trying to get this setup and working. I go through the steps per Zennmaster's 3rd video and get my offsets. I enter them into the Configuration.h and when I...
  8. I have the full graphic lcd and got the Rambo...

    I have the full graphic lcd and got the Rambo board. I think if I were looking to buy a printer either for the first time or additional printer, I would definitley go the route that I did. The Rambo...
  9. Replies

    True, it has been 2 years since the program was...

    True, it has been 2 years since the program was last updated however I have not had any issues so far using it. I am actually considering purchasing the Pro version of it because of the results I...
  10. Replies

    I'm at work right now but once I get home this...

    I'm at work right now but once I get home this afternoon, I will post them here for you.

    Below you will find a zip file with my Kisslicer settings. Just extract them to the root folder where your...
  11. Replies

    Not all Slicers are created equal

    I know this is the forum for MakerFarm equipment and this relates to my experience with my MakerFarm 12" i3v. I've had my printer now since mid January 2015 and have struggled with it constantly as...
  12. Thanks sniffle. I will give that a try. I just...

    Thanks sniffle. I will give that a try. I just got to work so it will be later this afternoon before I can try it but will let you all know if that fixes it.


    I was able to use a laptop...
  13. Getting errors when compiling configuration.h

    I was trying to compile the configuration.h file tonight in preparation for Auto Bed Leveling and I get the following errors when compiling. I know nothing about this stuff so I am hoping someone who...
  14. The Configuration.h I am currently using from...

    The Configuration.h I am currently using from MakerFarm is using Thermistor Type 1 for Extruder and Heat Bed. Also I noticed that in the MakerFarm version Colin has stuff in there to define Delta...
  15. I saw a thing on YouTube recently where they are...

    I saw a thing on YouTube recently where they are 3D Printing Human Organs. Pretty amazing stuff. Kinda makes the little bits and bobs I have been putting out look like childs toys. I did download the...
  16. So instead of Pins.h the info I need to change is...

    So instead of Pins.h the info I need to change is in pins_Rambo.h? When I get home this afternoon I will take a look and see if it is included in the firmware I downloaded. I don't recall seeing that...
  17. Thanks again Roxy. I plan on plugging my Servo...

    Thanks again Roxy. I plan on plugging my Servo into MX1 and from the manual for my board it would be PWM pin PA0. Not sure if that info has been put into Configuration.h or not. I'm at work so can't...
  18. Replies

    I have been wondering if a film of thermal paste...

    I have been wondering if a film of thermal paste between the glass and heated bed would help better distribute the heat? That is something I have been considering since my first failed print.
  19. Thank you very much. One other question, since I...

    Thank you very much. One other question, since I will be using a fresh version of Marlin Firmware and not the one supplied by Colin at MakerFarm, will the only files I need to modify the...
  20. I am late coming to all of this and hope there...

    I am late coming to all of this and hope there are some folks still around this thread. I am just starting to wrap my head around the whole Auto Bed Leveling thing and understand how and where the...
Results 1 to 20 of 20