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Type: Posts; User: wesbob

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  1. I'm very new to openscad. How would one go about...

    I'm very new to openscad. How would one go about that?
  2. Thank you! I've been playing with that for the...

    Thank you! I've been playing with that for the last few days and can't get it to work with my model. It will cut the object but won't add the connectors :(
  3. Cutting bigger model into smaller pieces with connectors?

    I'm really struggling to find a working application that will cut my larger model into smaller pieces with connectors. I've used slicer and it works good to split the object, but I really need...
  4. Replies

    I did a 14 hour print yesterday and while 1 side...

    I did a 14 hour print yesterday and while 1 side did pop up within the first hour it finished the print out just fine.
  5. Replies

    Yup it is larger prints that 1 end pops off. No...

    Yup it is larger prints that 1 end pops off. No real ryhme or reason as far as I can tell as to which side decides to pop. I preheat nozel and bed (bed to 60 for PLA, should I be doing it warmer?)
  6. Replies

    Meaning the bed isn't level across? I did the...

    Meaning the bed isn't level across? I did the calibration and it works flawless on the standard prints it's just when the get better and tends to be only on 1 spot of the bed. Should I check that...
  7. Replies

    Monoprice Maker V2 printing issue?

    I've had my MM v2 for a couple days, had success with the gcodes on the flash drive but running into issues when printing items outside of that. For some reason one end of the print does not stay...
Results 1 to 7 of 7