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Type: Posts; User: d3crypt3d

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  1. Replies

    Which Designers and how did there ideas get...

    Which Designers and how did there ideas get stolen?
  2. Replies

    Has anyone had any 3d assets stolen?

    Has anyone had any 3d assets stolen or 3d models stolen?
  3. D3CRYPT3D won SXSW Interactive Innovation Award for Privacy & Security

    Long story short, that problem we had of stolen assets and an attempt at trying to solve it came out to be somewhat of a rollercoaster ride. The SXSW award ceremony,...
  4. Announcement: D3CRYPT3D Nominated as Finalist for SXSW Innovation Awards

    Hey There!

    I want to thank everyone who has been keeping tabs on our product D3CRYPT3D. We have had many major developments occur in the past few months, one being nominated as finalists for the...
  5. Celebrate and punch a baby at the same time. It...

    Celebrate and punch a baby at the same time. It will be like mardi gras XD
  6. Proud to announce we just put in the calling card...

    Proud to announce we just put in the calling card feature on our program!

    Just made a how to video. We made it where anyone who has your model...
  7. and features D3CRYPT3D! Stolen 3D assets NO MORE

    Hey everybody!

    My name is Chloe. Me and my team came up with D3CRYPT3D in response to the growing issue of artists getting their work pirated after spending countless hours and sweat equity into...
  8. Replies

    D3CRYPT3D 3D Encryption Software Beta

    Hey, my name is Chloe, and a crew of us made a program that Encrypts your 3D assets. It's called D3CRYPT3D. We just launched the beta today and would love for you to register, test it out, and give...
Results 1 to 8 of 8