
Conversation Between curious aardvark and postmahomeson

2 Visitor Messages

  1. hey curious aardvark i wanted to tell you on Monday my city in windsor , ontario ( just a mile off from Detroit ) had a tornado watch but there was little to no damage but i was stuck in the cellar hallway for a couple hours , but when i saw i am friends with curious that made my day.
    i am really looking a forward for that 3doodler 2.0 that my legal mom ordered yesterday for me. i was thinking then i could draw that elastic gun I'm telling you one of these days i will make it , trust me I am addicted to my own intellectual property therefore it would be he perfect fix to get it printed.
  2. Dear curious aardvark we posted the updates on the 3d printed elastic eagle on the post sorry for any incovience but once i get it printed i will make a video and show you then
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