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  1. #1

    flashprint 4.1.0

    I use the SW a lot
    Today I came for the first time with an issue I need help with
    when trying to print the attached stl file, after slicing top panel just disappeared
    it did not occur with other models I used before, and happened every time with this model
    any clue?

  2. #2
    Staff Engineer
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    I'm not sure what you mean by "top panel just disappeared." A screen shot may be helpful for that reference.

    Meshmixer determined four flaws on the head and repaired them. Simplify3D also identified problems, but I don't use S3D for repairs. The Meshmixer repaired model showed only self-intersecting surfaces, which may be a hint to the overall problem.

    PrusaSlicer has determined that there's a problem about the 6.5 mm level. It appears that the wall thickness is too small. The model is smaller than 8 x 8 x 6 mm and that may contribute to the trouble. When scaled up by 10x, the problems disappear.

    If it is not your creation, it's possible that the artist responsible overlooked a few important characteristics for 3D printing.

  3. #3

    screen shots attached

    this is not my model, I downloaded it
    it is tiny so I had to scale it significantly, did it with printing SW
    I retried now, the issue is with size probably
    when I scale to 1000% I can send to printer, and when I scale to 1600% I cannot (both screenshots)
    I was expecting that if I have size issue I will see indication on, and in any case it is less than my machine boundaries
    Quote Originally Posted by fred_dot_u View Post
    I'm not sure what you mean by "top panel just disappeared." A screen shot may be helpful for that reference.Meshmixer determined four flaws on the head and repaired them. Simplify3D also identified problems, but I don't use S3D for repairs. The Meshmixer repaired model showed only self-intersecting surfaces, which may be a hint to the overall problem.PrusaSlicer has determined that there's a problem about the 6.5 mm level. It appears that the wall thickness is too small. The model is smaller than 8 x 8 x 6 mm and that may contribute to the trouble. When scaled up by 10x, the problems disappear.If it is not your creation, it's possible that the artist responsible overlooked a few important characteristics for 3D printing.

  4. #4
    Staff Engineer
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Based on your screen shots, I'm not sure where you are experiencing the problem. The enlarged model appears intact. Please explain what problem you have with the enlarged model and also what final scale you intent to print.

    I've attached your screen shots to my post here to make things easier for other users. Your dropbox links merged together. It's always easier to have inline images rather than links.

    Screenshot 2020-01-25 06.12.46.jpg

    Screenshot 2020-01-25 06.14.40.jpg

    Screenshot 2020-01-25 06.21.45.jpg

  5. #5
    I'm on mobile so might have posted twice
    The enlarged model looks good but as the top panel disappeared I cannot send to printer

  6. #6
    Staff Engineer
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    All this time, I was searching for a model related problem, but now I believe that you are describing a software menu access problem.

    In what screen shot does the missing panel not appear? I'm not familiar with FlashPrint, but slicers are slicers and have basic functions that are common across programs.

    I see in two of the shots that there is a line of buttons, one of which is print. The first one in my re-post does not have that line of buttons. Is that what you mean by missing panel?

    If so, what happens if you use the menu option "Print" visible on the top line? Is there an equivalent entry to match the missing button?

  7. #7

    There is menu option, it's disabled as well. Si I guess the SW tells me it can't print.

  8. #8
    Staff Engineer
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    Jun 2014
    When I've seen problems of this nature, it can be attributed to just being outside the print volume. Reduce the size just a small amount and you may discover the print option returns. It seems like things are improving.

  9. #9
    for sure and thanks for the support
    the SW gives clear indication when model exceeds machine boundaries. It did not do so in this case
    that's life

  10. #10
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    I'm using flashprint 4.0 - I'll see what it does.

    No issue here:

    That's at 1000% enlargement.
    Try going back to 4.0.
    There must be a reason I removed 4.1 :-)

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