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  1. #1

    How low will 3D Printer Prices drop?

    What do you guys think? Will we see a manufacturer in the next 2 years or so be able to sell 3D printers for under $100? I know there are several out there already for under $300, but I honestly can't see prices dropping much lower than this without totally killing the profit margin. Will someone come up with a working quality 3D printer for under $100 in the next couple years?

  2. #2
    Super Moderator DrLuigi's Avatar
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    Well you can't compare a apple or a peer because they are in the same catogory aka a fruit, (Inkjet vs 3d)

    The chance is there that it happens, there is a chance it wont happen, This is simple gambling as you cant realy be sure of how this will go on.
    And probably you might have cheaper printers but also printers that wont have the same quality obviously.

    But again this depends of quiet a few things, and its kinda stuppid to even try and say it will or not.

  3. #3
    Staff Engineer
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    Quote Originally Posted by trimmedup View Post
    I know there are several out there already for under $300
    There is pretty much just one and it has had some serious quality control issues.

    Unless by 'out there' you mean 'in development', in which case there's a space ride ticket out there I could sell you.
    In the next two years there will be three or four printers under $300 and maybe, just maybe one or two will be worth the effort of buying. The only attempt at a $100 printer kit is the Peachy, and even when development is done, it'll still most likely be a kit for the technically savvy.

    Widespread printers under $300 will be five or more years off, and fully assembled 3D printers under $100 are eight or more years out (and the way things are going, might end up being measured in a different currency entirely by then.)

  4. #4
    Staff Engineer LambdaFF's Avatar
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    ... As a prototype developer I know once said : "facts are stubborn". It was not possible to keep selling hopes and hype under 100€ and be economically viable.

  5. #5
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    I don't see any printers ever under 100, maybe 500 or so will be the price floor. If the "only make money on the consumables" model takes hold, then we might see some sub $500 models that are of good quality. Just the parts alone for a printer would run $100-$200 minimum. A single head printer requires a 4 steppers, wiring, frame, belts/pulleys or gears. Add in the hot end and power supplies, temp monitors, LCD panels, SD card readers, etc. and it all adds up. Then labor, some margin for profit, shipping, manf overhead...add more for Customer Care and warehousing.

  6. #6
    Super Moderator DrLuigi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jfkansas View Post
    I don't see any printers ever under 100, maybe 500 or so will be the price floor. If the "only make money on the consumables" model takes hold, then we might see some sub $500 models that are of good quality. Just the parts alone for a printer would run $100-$200 minimum. A single head printer requires a 4 steppers, wiring, frame, belts/pulleys or gears. Add in the hot end and power supplies, temp monitors, LCD panels, SD card readers, etc. and it all adds up. Then labor, some margin for profit, shipping, manf overhead...add more for Customer Care and warehousing.
    Ye but FDM wont be forever, There will be new methods like SLA, or something else that would make the prices drop,
    However this is betting and nobody can be sure, thats why i kinda dislike these kind of predict topics. If you want predictions goto the city and talk to a fortune teller :P

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