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  1. #1

    Question Y Axis Issue with Marlin

    Hello everyone,

    It's my first time here. Hopefully I can contribute and offer help to others as well.

    I just upgraded my Rigidbot electronics from a Rigidbot board to an Azteeg X3. So far I'm very impressed by it, but I'm having a software issue. I downloaded the latest version of Marlin and changed a few settings in configuration.h. From what I can see, the X and Y axes are configured the same. Only problem is, the Y axis doesn't work properly. It moves, but not far enough. Moving it 50mm on Repetier Host does not move the bed 50mm. When I try to print something, it comes out squished on the Y axis.

    I've tried swapping motors as well as drivers to no avail. To make sure it wasn't just that slot in my board, I tried other slots and switched up the pins.h file. Using various combinations of drivers, motors, and slots, I've found that it only affects anything assigned in pins.h as the Y axis. I have no idea why this is happening.

    I've uploaded a zip of the firmware here: Azteeg

    Thanks in a advance

  2. #2
    Staff Engineer printbus's Avatar
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    Are the settings for this line in configuration.h set properly for your hardware? It shows Y having 1/2 the value of X. The four values are for X, Y, Z and the extruder.

    #define DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT {44.3090,22.1545,1600,53.5} // default steps per unit for Ultimaker

    I'm not familiar with the printer, so I can't help with exact values. Depending on the hardware, these may be of help -
    Last edited by printbus; 12-22-2014 at 07:46 PM. Reason: Fixed link to T Hunter page

  3. #3
    Yep, that's it. Thanks so much.

    I would have never thought to look there because those numbers were taken straight from the Rigidbot firmware - I triple checked. The motors are the same, the pulleys are the same, the belts are the same, so I'm perplexed at the difference in steps per unit.

    Could it be that the Rigidbot board is set to do the X axis at 1/32 microstepping while the Y axis is set at 1/16 microstepping? I don't know much about how that works, but it seems that it would explain the 1:2 ratio. And if so, why?

    Edit: Just realized, I set the Y to the larger value (44.3090) to get it to work, so would that suggest that if I'm right, Y was set on 1/8 microstepping?

    Thanks again, at least I'm printing now

  4. #4
    Staff Engineer printbus's Avatar
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    Yes, microstepping settings could cause the difference. The link to the Triffid Hunter page shows how the amount of mircostepping plays a direct role in the equation. 1/32 microstepping provides one-half the movement per step command as would 1/16 microstepping. So, for Y to not move as much, Y would have to have a "finer" microstep value than X.

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