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  1. #1

    Royal Mail Teams With Imakr for 3D Printing Service

    Royal Mail, the UK's centuries old mail service that's been recently privatized, has teamed up with Britain-based iMakr to trial run 3D printing services in the Royal Mail center on New Cavendish Street in London. Acknowledging that 3D printing can be expensive, spokesmen from both iMakr and Royal Mail see this as a potentially excellent way to make 3D printing more accessible to the UK public. Customers can download and print objects found on sites like MyMiniFactory.Com or they can use their own designs. This service will be available in a trial basis from Monday, December 8, 2014 until January. Further details can be found here:

  2. #2
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    now that is pretty weird.

    Royal mail centres are notorious for only being open for people to collect parcels they couldn't be arsed to deliver, just a few hours a day.

    This time of year it's not unusual to just see the postie put the 'you were out we couldn't deliver' notice directly into the mail box without them even attempting to deliver anything.

    Quite how that ethos links up with an obscure office in london to produce a 3d printing service - is something of a mystery.

    Curious to see how this plays out. At the moment it just looks like a publicity stunt by imakr.

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