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  1. #1

    Question about leveling an object on the print platform in Cura

    HI I am a newbie but I am getting a pretty good grasp on everything except I am having a problem with a couple parts I had designed
    by an engineer/ He sent me the STL files and I am able to import them in to Cura to create a GCode however I can not get it to lay flat on the
    platform. See photo.
    Does anyone know how I can make this work?
    I have tried using the rotate function but it is limited.
    Screen Shot 2014-12-06 at 11.33.18 PM.jpg
    Screen Shot 2014-12-06 at 11.34.06 PM.jpg

  2. #2
    Super Moderator RobH2's Avatar
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    There are a couple of things you can do that you may not have found.

    1. Click on the object and in the lower left you'll get transformation icons. The leftmost one is 'Rotate.' Click on it and you'll get two more icons that fly out above it. The top one is "Lay Flat." See if that corrects the model for you.
    2. After you've clicked on the model, it will have transform gizmos around it. Find the one on the axis you want to rotate and while holding 'shift' left click and drag. You'll be able to drag in 1-degree increments.
    3. Get a free program like MeshMixer and import your .stl. Rotate it and save it back out.
    Bambu P1S/AMS

  3. #3
    Lay flat worked after situating it around a little but closer using the rotate tools, Thank You!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by RobH2 View Post
    There are a couple of things you can do that you may not have found.

    1. Click on the object and in the lower left you'll get transformation icons. The leftmost one is 'Rotate.' Click on it and you'll get two more icons that fly out above it. The top one is "Lay Flat." See if that corrects the model for you.
    2. After you've clicked on the model, it will have transform gizmos around it. Find the one on the axis you want to rotate and while holding 'shift' left click and drag. You'll be able to drag in 1-degree increments.
    3. Get a free program like MeshMixer and import your .stl. Rotate it and save it back out.

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