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  1. #1

    Design Idea Needed

    Hi, I am making a "holder" for a small box, that is used with my guitar fx rig. I have a picture of the current design, a test part printed and the "small metal box" (called a DI box) that will sit inside the plastic holder. The holder itself will be mounted on a pedalboard - which is an aluminum frame that other small boxes which are sound fx for my guitar. During use, I will take the small box out of the holder, and lay on the ground. During storage (or non-use), the small DI box in the picture will "sit" or "be placed" into the plastic holder (which is mounted onto the pedalboard with super tough velcro). DESIGN NEED: I need something like a lid, or cover or partial lid or cover to the holder..... so that when the aluminum frame gets put into a carrying bag (large canvas bag which is zippered) - the small metal DI box which sits in the plastic holder does not fall out. Open to ideas; something simple (maybe something like a metal clasp or latch). I could - but don't want to - put the heavy duty velcro on the bottom of the small metal box, to hold it in. But I don't want to do that, because when I take the small box out, and lay it on the floor, which is often carpeted - the velcro often sticks. So I need a sort of "lid" or something to keep the small box inside the holder during transport when the pedalboard is in the canvas case in the back of a car. Thanks!! AJ
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