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  1. #1

    I am going to try my hand at writing gcode

    I have a 3d printer and use it often.I think it would be a good idea to write gcode.Trawling the web I found pronterface.Any command I write (write it into notepad and save then load file into pronterface and click on print.)Brings up errors, though the movement commands work, the head and the table (X and Y) move?I would like to stop pronterface from updating the right window causing my program to quickly disappear off the top of the page, can this be done?Do you know how to do these things or can you recommend a better piece of software to write the gcode in that sends it to the printer?

  2. #2
    Staff Engineer
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Just about any printer terminal software will scroll the previous set of commands off screen, as the terminal reads the printer as much as it sends to the printer.

    If you want to write g-code, you can use any clean text editor (not a word processor) and save the file in the appropriate extension, sometimes .gc, sometimes, gcode, check your slicer output. Of course, after you've written the file, you still have to send it to the printer, if that is your objective.

    Take a look at fullcontrol, which may have features of value for you. People have done amazing things with the program, but it's well over my head.

  3. #3
    Thanks for that, the website you quote shows a list of templates for you to manipulate, it then writes the gcode to match.I presentlky write the code in notepad and then send it to Repetier which is the printing program I use for the printer.It always shows up errors of one form or another which I don't know how to correct but usually moves the head when I tell it to 'GO'.I think G0 is the command for just moving to that point i.e.G0 X10 Y10moves to point x10 y10G1 does much the same (in a straight line). Wiki says G2 would move in a clockwise arc but entering G2 X10 Y10 just moves in a straight line same as G0 or G1 ?Each move takes a few minutes work as I have to enter it in notepad, save and then load into Repetier before I can run it.I was hoping to find something similar to the Arduino IDE which I use extensively to write c programs and run them in an arduino before I did too much programming.

  4. #4
    It seems that you have a problem where Pronterface is constantly updating the output window, which erases or hides the commands you have written in the input window. This is normal behavior of the software, as it records and displays in real time the printer's feedback and movements.

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