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  1. #1

    Pla in a vehicle.

    Terrible idea, but I cant do ABS. Maybe PETG. Would PLA covered in primer and paint fare better?

  2. #2
    If you can't print ABS I think you might struggle to print PETG, or at least I did. I was looking for something a bit stronger than PLA and PETG had some of the qualities I was looking for over PLA so I bought a roll and never successfully printed even one print with it. I assume I needed an enclosure but it could just have been my inexperience with the material.

    Anyway, reddit says you can if you use something like rustoleum filler primer. I've seen lots of painted models so I would assume it is possible.

    What are you printing?

  3. #3
    I fail to understand why people have issues with PETG.. Only thing I change between ABS PETG PLA is the temperatures.. no issues I think it is all the very inexpensive printers with beds that are far from flat the z offset need to be the same withing a few hundredths of a mm to get good adhesion.. PETG normaly stick too tight. Also larger nozzles work much better with ABS and PETG Try PETG with a .5mm or larger nozzle
    It is not rocket science.. guy Esun PETG Black, bed temp 70 nozzle 235 and if you are still using a .4 nozzle slow down the print a bit from your PLA speed.. NO COOLING FAN .. you should have no issues Oh and use the tallest layer you can with your nozzle size.. no .1mm layers. most inexpensive printers are no flat enough to maintain the proper z offset at low layer heights
    Last edited by airscapes; 12-21-2024 at 09:38 AM.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by VidJunky View Post
    If you can't print ABS I think you might struggle to print PETG, or at least I did. I was looking for something a bit stronger than PLA and PETG had some of the qualities I was looking for over PLA so I bought a roll and never successfully printed even one print with it. I assume I needed an enclosure but it could just have been my inexperience with the material. Anyway, reddit says you can if you use something like rustoleum filler primer. I've seen lots of painted models so I would assume it is possible. What are you printing?
    Its trays, cup holder, phone holder for a 2004 sierra pickup.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2023
    Phoenix, AZ
    Quote Originally Posted by Syncmanatl View Post
    Its trays, cup holder, phone holder for a 2004 sierra pickup.
    I would try PA12-CF (from Qidi) it's very easy to print like PLA and prints really smooth.
    I printed a network rack to hold my routers and it's been holding up for a year now.

  6. #6
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    Not sure why you cannot print ABS, I 3D Printed ABS in a basement using a simple boxed enclosure.
    Making sure to vent all fumes outside though the nearest vent access, whether being a dryer duct vent hole or as simple as a window A/C Vent kit.

    As long as you have a heated bed. Now my 3D Printer did not like 100C + for bed temps, I compromised using 96C bed in a 80-100F heated enclosure.
    Did not have any problems with any ABS models warping, and 3D Printed this entire MPCNC assembly shown in attached images.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Roberts_Clif; 01-14-2025 at 10:40 AM.

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