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  1. #1

    Exclamation PSA: Don't use PLA for long-lived items

    Anyone notice that PLA becomes brittle on their spools? This is honestly a warning sign to *not* print long-lived items on PLA. I printed a Arduino bracket around 10 years ago on my Solidoodle 2. It was solid, and chewy gripping screws threaded into it. It was in storage for almost the complete duration of it's life. (indoors, not in sunlight, in a plastic storage container). I picked it up yesterday afternoon and the whole thing crumbled into dust. PLA absorbs moisture. It always will... on the spool or printed on your printer. *eventually* PLA will always crumble. PLA has a ton of benefits, but it also has a lot of drawbacks.

  2. #2
    Well what do you recommend? ABS? H--no. I can't get that stuff to half stick to the bed. By the time the item is finished, it's warped, if it didn't come loose and get knocked over by the head sooner.. And my research shows the other filaments have the same bed sticking problem.

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