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  1. #1

    prusa mk3s: abnormal clogging issue

    Hi, I have an issue where I start printing and then the filament "dries up" after a few minutes (picture one) and then when I remove the filament (with some effort) it is thick in the front (picture 2) which I'm assuming is causing it to not go into the nozzle anymore. I have replaced the nozzle twice, I also checked the gears on the extruder and they seem fine. The extruder motor also turns so as far as I can tell it's fine. Any help would be appreciated, I've taken the top part aparts a few times now trying to fix this.
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    Last edited by thatgerhard; 11-19-2024 at 09:03 AM.

  2. #2
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    Washington State, USA
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    I had this happen now a again normally if if I raise the nozzle a little the nozzle will print over this bump. What i see is high spot on the bed and raising the nozzle height the nozzle will print over it. or You could print the first layer thicker then drop the layer height to what is needed for more detailed model using one of these examples.

    Example1 layer height wanted is 0.14mm print the first layer at 0.28mm the model will get thinner over the high spot.
    Example2 print your model on a raft with 0.28 mm an print the model on raft with layer of 0.14mm.
    Last edited by Roberts_Clif; 12-15-2024 at 08:24 AM.

  3. #3
    Hi all, thanks for the feedback but that didn't seem to make a difference. I did some more testing. I printed a benchy and it only gets about 20-25 mins in then I start getting "temperature anomaly" beeps. I just let it keep running and then the nozzle unit started clicking. (I'm assuming it was clogged and the gear was clicking into the static filament). I attached the photos below of the temp anomaly, and the benchy as far as it got before the nozzle just continued printing without filament coming out. And then the thickening of the tip of the filament that I unloaded after the print. Could the motor on the extruder? or is there something that's not quite aligned maybe? Also I do a first layer cal before I do these tests, and it's perfect. After one of these prints stopped extruding I also am unable to print a first layer cal until I clean out the old filament.
    Last edited by thatgerhard; 12-15-2024 at 07:23 AM.

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