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  1. #1

    Question Geeetech A20M bed problem


    I have a problem with my Geeetech A20M printer.
    The case is that since a few weeks ago I can not print because the bed, once the printing begins to lose temperature.After checking it, while the printing sequence starts and the bed is placed completely backwards, it heats up correctly, once the printing starts and the bed moves to place the extruder in the center, the bed starts to lose temperature.Doing tests, I manage to see that the bed if it stays backwards always heats correctly and if it moves forward very slowly it continues heating, but if it moves to a normal speed, it stops heating, my initial idea was that the cable that connects the bed had some kind of contact or posture that made it cut, but I have tried it anyway, but there is no way to get it to continue heating once it loses the initial posture.

    Would you know what it could be?

    Thank you very much for your help.

  2. #2
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    Jun 2017
    Washington State, USA
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    I suggest the you check the solder connections for the Bed heater Mosfet , see it there is a cold solder connection on main board.

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