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Thread: Product Design

  1. #1

    Product Design

    Is it hard to design an object, like a pot? What software is used? Any of them free? I see Fusion offers a free verion.

    Are all such model designs always usable for 3D printers?

    Last edited by hatflyer; 10-10-2024 at 03:13 PM.

  2. #2
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    Jun 2017
    Washington State, USA
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    I created my first model knowing very little about Cad, I heard about Fusion 360 Free for Hobbyist downloaded and installed to software.
    Knowing very little about the firmware of how to use it decided to get help from youtube.
    Finding many instruction videos started building with Learn Fusion 360 or Die Trying to build my model.

    Started with a rectangle box cut out the center to create a open box, after this I learned every step as I went along.

    Now this is not the best way to learn a how to create a case for a 3D Printer controller board though it worked for me. Maybe it will work for you. Created this case in less than a half day.

    Starting with just an ideal
    Need a controller case for my 3D Printer, controller is this big studs are this far apart and as I went told myself looks good stopped at a rectangle box for controller.
    Later decided this is to square wanted smoother corners fan and vents holes, wanted to be able to put aluminum foil duct tape allowing for EFI protection.
    I went through the steps one at a time, when I got stuck searched you-tube Fusion 360 how to make the next ideal then continued.

    Have created more than 10 model to date getting faster on every model.
    Last edited by Roberts_Clif; 12-24-2024 at 03:50 PM.

  3. #3
    Thanks again. One of the things I do have is some time on my hands (although everyday I do have doctor appointments). So I will start playing around with this stuff like you did. Of course, I'm certainly not the smartest kid in class, plus I am having a lot of difficulty remembering tings (since the septic shock adventure) so my learning curve will be steep

  4. #4
    Check out it is free and is fairly easy to learn.

  5. #5
    If you're open to Fusion 360, here is a whole 30 lesson course for free on how to model and design in autodesk.

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