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  1. #1

    Vivedino Troodon 2.0 Printing issues.

    Hello, I'm new to 3d printing and design. I work for a company where I have taken on the 3d design for our production needs.We are using a Vivedino Troodon 2 that recently has been troublesome. It starts prints just fine, then we leave it to print overnight (hasn't been an issue in the past) and come in in the morning to find that it stopped extruding at some point, as much as halfway through the print but oftentimes sooner. Two times recently it was because the filament broke, but multiple other times we cannot find a cause. Simplify 3D says the job finished without error.We've tried replacing nozzles. We've tried changing the filament to a new spool. Yesterday we replaced the whole printing head. Last night the filament had broke again, but oddly left a couple inches at the top of the head. After trying to restart the print today, it stopped extruding after about 20 layers or so.Any ideas/suggestions would be greatly appreciated!Thank you!

  2. #2
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    Sometime it is not easy deduce the cause of a missed print.
    Have had prints where the filament I was using was spliced with higher temperature filament and would clog the nozzle after removal of the clog all other 3D prints worked.
    Other times could not get past a layer height without print failure, due to a slicing error or a mechanical glitch or a simple breeze hitting the model in middle of print process.

    The 3D Printing processes all takes time to learn an after you think you learned them all, along come another snafu, a gremlin just another day of bad luck.
    Sorry wish I could be more specific but without being there it is really difficult to know what could be causing your failed 3D model Prints.
    It could be even be moisture in filament though without a photo impossible to tell.

    It is always easier to deduce problems when you are there when it happens, you can examine the equipment, see the model, you can even guess with knowledge of previous experiences with the equipment. But out of the blue without pictures to view it make the solution much harder to deduces the causes.

    Wish I could have been more helpful.

    Myself would have turned my 3D Printer video recorders and examined the footage.

  3. #3
    Thanks for getting back to me.

    We had replaced the filament with a new sealed spool, so it shouldn't be that.

    We had thought we figured out the problem when the guy who has been handling the majority of the 3d printer work admitted to calibrating the machine with a piece of notebook paper instead of A4 computer paper. But after another failed print on Friday, he's ready to blame something else. I'm starting to think he might be the issue.

    I like the idea of having recordings of the 3d printer to review, and I will likely recommend that to my boss to see what he thinks about that. Do you have a set up you can recommend?

    Again, thanks for getting back to me, I appreciate you trying, you've been more help than you think.

  4. #4
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    You are welcome.

    I have had New filament just removed from packaging cause me similar problems.
    Though tuning a 3D Printer can be quite frustrating until you learn the process.

    I starting tuning my Z offset height to the thickness of my pay check stub, why because they were the right thickness.
    Long story short no longer have any pay check stubs so needed to use some thing else started using scrap paper. well the paper was too thin.

    You see the problem Though it took me quite a while to figure it out after a two year of no 3D Printing, they ware in storage.
    Though it works now. Oh an I had a couple check stubs left that I found an measured with a micrometer.
    Now everything works as it used to.

    An we are always here to help..
    If we can't then we have access as many 3D Printer friends as there are on four 3D Printer forum's

  5. #5
    Yesterday, after looking at a prusaslicer profile I obtained from TeamGloomy specifically for the Troodon 2 and comparing it to the profile we are using with simplify3d, I suggested we change the max volumetric speed from no limit to the 11 mm3/s that was set up in the prusa profile. I'm hoping that that will get us back on track.

    I thought I would offer pics, if you have time to take a look and see if you spot anything that stands out.

    A side note about this print is that it is near max print size at something like 340 X 340. This is the largest print we have attempted. Fail 2 is a different print, our second largest attempt.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  6. #6
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    Not sure exactly what I am looking for.

    Well I see a solid layer below a interweaving mesh topped with a 2nd solid top layer.

    This design looks like it could be difficult to 3D Print at 11mm^3 per sec if I had your basic Prusaslicers settings and a sample similar model.
    I could see an slice the model see the configurations and maybe come up with a solution for you.

    I know the capabilities of my 3D Printers an have 3D Printed beyond stock parameters with configuration Changes & Hardware stability upgrades.

    29 Jul 2019, 08:05
    I pushed my 3D Printer to a max speed test.
    Printing at layer height of 0.31 with a print speed of 12.4mm^3 per second.
    Found that most problems came from older Slicer, an configurations, and 3D Printer firmware.
    After changing to PruasSlicer most all problems disappeared though upgrading firmware though many versions to current Marlin
    Weeded out many more problems. Works near perfect for what it is now. to get any better prints will need a sturdy frame and a 32bit controller.

    I am in the process of designing a CoreXY that will out preform anything I currently have 300X300 build plate.

    Hictop CoreXY.jpg

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