
Results 1 to 2 of 2
  1. #1

    Lightbulb Watering Spike Bottle Cap.

    This watering spike is intended to SLOWLY defuse water directly into the subsoil through five 0.015 inch holes near the tips of the spikes. I decided I needed something after loosing several plants during the heat of a Texas summer after only being away for a little over 24hr. The concept is that this will slowly and evenly defuse water beneath the surface thereby reducing losses to evaporation and runoff drainage, and hopefully saving plant lives in hot dry conditions.Link to STL for anyone interested:
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  2. #2
    Updates to this build pictured below...

    Modified the cap to use swappable flow restrictors to let me fine tune the water flow rate without having to print a new cap each time. Also added a printable bottle to fit the cap.... I think it looks like an overweight squid now...


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