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  1. #1

    3&Dbot Mobile 3D Printer

    We all probably have complained about the build volume of our 3D printers at some time or other, right? Like it or not, unless you have a huge garage to store your 3D printer in, as well as a massive amount of cash to dish out for a gigantic machine, most of us will not be able to print anything too large. That's at least until now. One designer based in Brazil has created what is best described as a mobile 3D printer. Called the 3&Dbot, the printer is tethered to 4 wheels, and can drive itself wherever it chooses. The only limitation is in the Z direction. More details on this incredible 3D printer can be found here:

    Below is a Gif of the machine in action. What do you guys think?

  2. #2
    I have never printed any thing larger than 6 inches cubed even though I have a print volume of 8 inches cubed. This it costs a lot and takes so much time to print something large.
    Also, this print volume isn't "unlimted" it is unlimited in x, it can print something infinitely long there, however the y is limited to about 2 times the length of the rod that holds the extruder, so for this printer if printing a cylinder it can only make one about 4 inches in diameter, and four inches high.

    However, if print quality is improved (I really think they could make this have great print quality) it would still be the most efficient in size 3d printer.

  3. #3
    Technician 3D OZ's Avatar
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    May 2014
    It could theoretically print an infinate diameter cylinder if it could drive AROUND the printed piece, so not moving in only X/Y but rotating around the centre of the cylinder.
    That said it is still largely useless or at least there are much better ways of acheiving whatever it is the designer is trying to achieve.
    Seems like a lot of recent 3D "Developments" are exercises in doing something just to see if it can be done without any consideration for need.

  4. #4
    Whenever it drives around a printed piece the wheels can hit the piece, thus it can only extend itself 3 inches, once it drives to the other side of the cylinder it gets an addition 3 inches. Thus 6 inches because the wheels can't climb on top of whatever is already printed.

  5. #5
    Technician 3D OZ's Avatar
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    You are thinking in only terms of X/Y, this Bot can pivot around the object so the arm is always pointing at the centre of the object.

  6. #6
    I understand that it pivots around, but it is still limited. Think of a nail in a piece of wood with a 3 inch string tied to it, even though the center remains the same similar to the bot pivoting around the diameter can only be 6 inches.

  7. #7
    Technician 3D OZ's Avatar
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    May 2014
    For a solid cylinder, you are right, I was thinking more of a tube than a solid cylinder. A tube or any other hollow shape could be of infinate diameter.
    And it's still largely useless.

  8. #8
    You are completely right about that, this makes the printer less use full because you also have design requirments that you would be forced to learn outside of the reprap fdm requurments.

  9. #9

    Red face

    Seems like a lot of recent 3D "Developments" are exercises in doing something just to see if it can be done without any consideration for need.[/QUOTE]

    That depends completely on somebody's (blinkered) perspective, this seems like it could be scaled and refined, of the top of my head how about 3D printing for dangerous environments such as: sea floor well capping, sealing failed nuclear reactors, repairing the pierced hull of a spaceship, remotely building off world habitation. Who knows?

  10. #10
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    There's no theoretical limit to the z either, it could just build it's own ramps and platforms :-)

    Very neat :-)

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