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  1. #1

    the box bottom printed as a layer of net even transparent? not a wall as designed?

    Hi all.
    The printed box don't have a bottom, no matter the thickness that was designed 0.5 or 1 mm, why so and how to fix?


  2. #2
    Slicers have settings for number of bottom layers, number of top layers, number of perimeters... if zero then you get no layers..

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by airscapes View Post
    Slicers have settings for number of bottom layers, number of top layers, number of perimeters... if zero then you get no layers..
    thanks.when said "bottom" cause of the part put that face down when printed (picture A), actually the "bottom" is a real wall of the part, one entity of the part. does the Slicers consider the floor as bottom always no matter what it is? and if let's say put the part side stand, what can get of the new 'bottom' (picture B)?picture A: picture B: image hosting cause of not find image icon here in reply.

  4. #4
    Super Moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by laoadam View Post
    image hosting cause of not find image icon here in reply.
    Look below reply box for the 'manage attachments' button to attach images.

  5. #5
    what your part looks like does not matter.. the system works from the build plate up .. Bottom is what touches the plate, top is what has nothing above the bottom. So if the part that touches the plate is 4mm tall and your layer is .2mm, and you are set to 3 bottom layers and 3 top layers and infill of 50% then you get 3 layers that are 100% then layers that are 50% solid, then the last 3 layers would be solid..

  6. #6
    Bikeracer2020 Bikeracer2020 is offline ? thanks.picture Aicture B:
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    Last edited by laoadam; 07-07-2024 at 12:12 PM.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by airscapes View Post
    what your part looks like does not matter.. the system works from the build plate up .. Bottom is what touches the plate, top is what has nothing above the bottom. So if the part that touches the plate is 4mm tall and your layer is .2mm, and you are set to 3 bottom layers and 3 top layers and infill of 50% then you get 3 layers that are 100% then layers that are 50% solid, then the last 3 layers would be solid..
    Thanks, got the point.attached a picture shown that need a narrow gap like 0.4mm*40mm, seems not easy to get it? should design it larger ?
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  8. #8
    Can you change the orientation of the part by rotating it 90 digress so the point is up.. you can not print over open air..
    In the slicer the is a way to put whatever surface you want on the build plate.. no idea what you are using but all slicers have the ability
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  9. #9
    Tested with different filling density 15-40-50, and bottom/top layer 5-6, try to get better bottom failed. I used Easythread to generate Gcode from STL.1. is it possible to set different filling density in same part? like: bottom 100% / Intermediate Structure 20% / top 50%?2. any better software?

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by airscapes View Post
    Can you change the orientation of the part by rotating it 90 digress so the point is up.. you can not print over open air..In the slicer the is a way to put whatever surface you want on the build plate.. no idea what you are using but all slicers have the ability
    I'll test with different orientation for another part to 3d printed the text on part surface like "ABCD"? tried font 14 can't see it.
    Last edited by laoadam; 07-11-2024 at 09:50 AM.

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