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  1. #11
    Super Moderator
    Join Date
    May 2020
    The G-code opens okay in Prusaslicer.

    However, for some reason only part of the bed shows.
    Do you really need all that brim? All the Benchys I've seen did not have a brim and ought to print as is, although I've never actually printed one.
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  2. #12
    thats how the model came as stl ill try a new sd card today see if i have any luck

  3. #13
    I think im one step closer now its the lcd on the printer is actually saying loading but thats as far as i get i took some snippets from this site but as im used to resin printers it confuses me more than anything.

  4. #14
    ready to take a sledge hammer to it now

  5. #15
    Ive managed to get the printer to recognise theres a model on the sd card needed to rename from .gcode to .ebp but when i press print message says model not compatible.

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