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01-18-2024, 04:00 PM #1
4D printing of a rose (like magic!)
I found a way to do 4D printing at home, with my own 3D printer and using normal PLA.The rose consist of 30 petals (10 layers of 3) which are clamped between a seperate printed pistil in yellow and Stem in green.Printed the petals in a white and red version of the rose.After that the rose is heated by using boiled water or heated in the oven. All the petals will deform (in a pre-determined way) and create a realistic looking rose.You can watch the magical transformation in the oven: I also printed a giftbox to give away the not fully bloomed rose, so that the recipient can let them bloom and experience the magic themselves. Model with explaining and printing instruction are shared for FREE on or respect the license and print only for yourself or better: for your loved ones!
Please help dial in my printer
Yesterday, 11:02 AM in Tips, Tricks and Tech Help