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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2023

    [NEEDED] MN based hobby/pro printer to fab a few bits

    Greetings, and as my first post, an apology for making it a lengthy "ask." It's a bit of a "message in a bottle" situation for me... *** I've been trying to find a small machine shop or tinkerer to fabricate from some hard metal (brass, steel, ?) the broken bits from the lid hinge assembly on my '80s vintage B&O RX turntable (1). If the lid doesn't stay up when in use, it's not a lid, it's a bother. *** So far I've been unable to find anyone who will assist me for any price. Time and current workloads seem impenetrable barriers for such a small bit of work. *** Then it dawned on me. 3D printing! Brilliant. Unfortunately, I know only enough about the process to be dangerous, hence my turning to this forum. *** THE PROBLEM: My part is small as the pic would imply, it sits on a quarter. It was designed as a hard plastic part (unknown material) that is effectively cubic, with a few odd departures from a simple block shape. I think it could be simplified somewhat. I call it the hinge dog, as it captures the hinge pin bit from the molded lid against the metal backplate of the turntable. It also manages to capture, securely, a piano wire torsion spring that provides the lid holding force when raised. (See pix. The pix illustrate the three identical parts in place, the one image indicating Hinge dog RT is the broken state of the problem. The other two depict parts in place and functioning. FWIW, the photos of the hinges are taken in "upside down" operational position.) *** THE SOLUTION: All I need is that the noted point of failure, the notch, needs to be duplicated in the same way as the original, and that the material used in the printing of it can resist the torsion forces on it that the lid/hinge design imposes... This part is fixed to the back plate of the turntable base, see pix. (The refinement of setting the nut flush with the body is perhaps unnecessary, but it might take some further study to see if a simpler bolt/nut method would suffice without any clearance problems.) *** QUANTITY: Here's the rub. I only need three of these... per turntable. So if this could be fabricated to satisfaction, there might be a virtual market for this part to others with similar failed machines. Ok, it wouldn't be a huge pool to sell to, but I'd buy a small quantity (sets of 3) to help make the production somewhat more efficient and to test that market on other forums. *** So there it is in a nutshell. It would be great if a hobbyist, or a pro shop with a little time, could assist me with this. I realize some time would be needed to plan and create the CNC aspects of this, so we could start there. If I can find help in MN, that would be logistically best as it might allow a meeting. If not, that's what they invented the innertubes for! *** Thanks for listening! (1) I'd buy another lid on eBay, but they don't exist, and I don't need a parts donor machine that has a broken lid!
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