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  1. #38
    Staff Engineer
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    You'll probably find that it's more effective to copy the sliced file (g-code) to the memory card and print from that. When you use USB, you're tying up the computer to manage the data that the printer uses, unless the printer allows for data dumps and disconnects, which may be in the manual, but almost certainly requires that there be a memory card in the printer.

    I believe that my last block of code is completed for that specific pulley and it will be up to you to make the appropriate dimension adjustments and decisions. I'll assist with that if you can make your questions precise and provide equally precise references. If not, I'll return with more questions to clarify.

    As you've indicated that the pulley in 32 is a priority, I can begin now with that.

    You are throwing a new factor in the works that doesn't match the image. I picture a squared off U cross section of different thicknesses, but with an identifiable center hole. On the plus side, it's a flat sided pulley with a flat center section as well.

    The only dimension I have is the calipers photo of 1.4 mm diameter axle, which means I'd aim for a 1.5 mm center hole. From an OpenSCAD viewpoint, it's going to be three cylinders stacked atop each other to make the "solids" module followed by a difference() action to put the hole in the center.

    $fn = 90; // for smooth cylinder surfaces. Reduce the number, press F5 to see what happens when it's five or six or ten.abs
    // set dimensions here
    center_hole = 1.5;
    pulley_diameter = 25; // change this number to match your measurements
    inner_pulley_diameter = 15; // change also this measurement
    thick_flange_height = 2.5; // this is the thicker of the two flanges
    thin_flange_height = 1.5; // duh, this is the thinner of the two flanges
    inner_pulley_height = 6; // how far apart are the two flanges
    addabit = 0.0625; // reduce z-fighting when performing difference()
    // internal calculations made easier to type
    total_height = thick_flange_height + thin_flange_height + inner_pulley_height;
    module solids(){ // cluster the solids for easier reading
        // thick flange - starting with the thick one on the bottom
        cylinder(h = thick_flange_height, d = pulley_diameter);
        cylinder(h = total_height, d = inner_pulley_diameter); // build the center segment at full height, easier than translating and trying to ensure a good overlap
        translate([0, 0, thick_flange_height + inner_pulley_height]) // move the thin flange to proper location based on sum of parts thus far
        cylinder(h = thin_flange_height, d = pulley_diameter);
    module holes(){ // 
        cylinder(h = total_height + addabit, d = center_hole);
    // make it so
        translate([0, 0, -addabit / 2])
    The first photo is of the entire pulley, while the second is the split-in-half version?

    simple pulley.jpg

    half simple pulley.jpg
    Last edited by fred_dot_u; 02-28-2023 at 02:34 PM.

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