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09-22-2014, 12:46 AM #11
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I already added some profile on the top, the ide is to close the sides later.
I already printed a few parts direkt on the ceramic plate its possible but the plate need to be realy clean if not it can happen that it will lift up from the plate.
bec of my experiance with buildtak i will add a makrolon plate with an buildtak foil.
My Resümee for this Printer so far, A good Printer the Ground Assambly is easy but need be be made realy good ( quick quick is the wrong way)
The final adjustment is possible alone but with 2 people simple much easier.
The Printing Results so far good (much better than my usual results)
The Printer brings a los of possibilities bec of the profiles and with the milled table its easy to add anything you want ( my next project is a ring fan and than an extruder Holder to change the extruder and also to use different ones)
For this price this printing space in that quality For me it was the right decision.
best regards
ThomasLast edited by Luchador; 09-22-2014 at 01:12 AM.
09-22-2014, 03:09 AM #12
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By the way if someone has a great model for testing let me know so far I have time I´ll try
09-26-2014, 12:43 AM #13
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So small update what I did so far and what I plan
so I added a 2mm makrolon plate with an PET foil what was a bad idea the 2mm plate is too thin (its working in my other printer but here the printbed is too big) so with heating up the bed the plate produce a hill, so I searching for something else who is flat a bit flexible ( and not breaking) what i can put and clamp on the printbed to print on it and after finishing remove and add a new one so far the other one is not cooled down, important is that this plate will stay flat not creating a hill.
if anyone has an idea please let me know.
what I also work on are 2 Points
one is an fan holder for the cooling of the Filament ( I get a great tip were to mount so I can start a konstruktion)
and the second plan is to close the sides but on a way I allways can move the transparent plates out without screws I already created a fist Version but I still need to print it out check if it hold and than wait for the right Filament ( want it in blue).
if I have anything to show I´ll share a few pictures.
10-07-2014, 02:13 AM #14
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So Sorry for so long no updates ( a few busy days so no time)
I was only working on the CAS files for side walls holders and a fan duct for the Single Version. the side wall holder I think are Ok a first Prototype was looking good (pic will follow)
idea is that the walls are easily mounted and also removable without tools.
the faduct is a different story I absolutely not happy with the form nervertheless I´ll try to finish the actual version and print it out for a test.
10-14-2014, 12:43 AM #15
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So Sorry for no update so long,
I just get my Buldtak foil so I prepared the printer yesterday
now the Buildtack is on a 2mm Markrolon Plate fixed only with tape bec for the mom Printing PLA I shouldnt need the Heatbed with this foil, later I hope to find a bendable plate not too big who not start reforming after starting the headbed.
Plan for today make pictures and adjust endstop for Z than start the first bigger prints.
10-20-2014, 12:25 AM #16
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Sorry at the moment to much work not much time for the printer
the buildtak is now on the ceramik plate and I printed yesterday a 8h print small but High.
he walls are realy good but I need to fine calibrate my Extruder too much material what is perfect to see on a issue over the full lengh of the print.
But for the first print Im happy with it.
I already made pictures will upload the pics later.
12-09-2014, 04:53 AM #17
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First Sorry for so long no News, I still Full with work (in 2 Countries so often no access to my printers)
The Housing is still not finished, most parts already printed a few also already mounted but I didnt found time to finish it yet.
But I finished a othe rpoint bec 2 prints are stoped bec of a blocked filament ( the roll was on the flor 1.5m down) so I finished first my Filament Holder for the X400. ( If someone intrested in the files let me know)
03-26-2015, 02:06 AM #18
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After the roll Holder it was silent for a wile sorry , too much work but I still thinking on next steps
my actual one is added a raspberry PI 2 with Octoprint a great tool special to see the print with the webcam is perfect for me.
But the next point comes from the Octopi a Display with touch bec there is no PC in the Printer Room at the mom so I already bought a 7" Touch displayx and I hope I can get it working .
I´ll update ater I get the parts.
11-18-2016, 11:25 AM #19
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Dear Luchador,
I have read all the article (even old one) and am very happy for you and your printer...
WELL I am too owner of the same printer bought on early Oct 2014 and still up today the printer is NOT functioning...
Among some TOO MANY problems with the manual NOT being fully translated.
Parts missing. Ok Not a serious problem but still the frustration is there.
Many mistakes in the drawings like the Vcc is ALWAYS (+) and in the opto terminals are differently... If memory serves right are yellow... Of course the drawings have this attested... Still not great for the norms ...
I had some wrong photos vs wrong drawing... I had ti presume a lot of what goes where...
And the wires... Ok... Here is another one... The EX0 is the EX1... Ok even this is not difficult to realize... BUT it still therr adding to the general page...
All parts needs 3 or 4 or more spacers (ring spacers) in order the bearings NOT touch with the bearing bushing... Or the Extruder to have 3 or 4 spacers .... Well THIS IS NOT RIGHT IN DESIGNING ... Their dimensioning is SITTY CRAP... PAKISTANIAN MADE...
They could use correct height cut pipes in order to have this space and I would wait for the next generation of the crappy X400 GERMANREPRAP to have make the parts with correct dimensioning and just use only one spacer...
Now I got a RAMPS 1.4.2 as all the X400 GERMANREPRAP CRAP printers DO... Well mine had a baby fuse 5A fail.. and had to search ALLL AND EVERYTHING FROM THE BEGINNING TWICE...
The Z Axis... HAHHAHAHA... The triangle shity idea movement... NEVER WORKED... In fact I did even changed the NEMA 17Motore with a NEMA 23 motor... of 14Kgrs/cm if memory serves well directly from POLOLOU... Still the Z axis refuses to function. Only if help it with hand... A very slight touch but still needed...
I tuned a million times the DRIVERS... OOOOOHHH!!! I even changed drivers twice as I though the Drivers might not deliver enough power to move the NEMA17 or later NEMA23... Well guess again... It did not move even with the DRV TEXAS drivers capable of 2A withouth fan...
I did also cut to reduce the weight of the STEEL frame holding the heating bed... I cut a rectangle hole about -40% of weight... Still holding the rigidity of the construction.
Still Z axis NOT MOVING...
I then turned to the leveling of the ball screws....
Still forgot to say.. the plastic printed part from GERMANREPRAP CRAP that holds the roll bearing and the NUT so the whole axis move from bottom to top and vice versa...
well It was not tight enough as a result the NUT to have a short dislocation... Also the centers of this plastic with the STEEL BED (the one holds the heating bed...) WHERE NOT CENTERED but had a +/- 2mm difference.... So I took a Φ20mm drill and made ont whole bigger... I cut the plastic so it could move freely to the new position...
I tried all and still the Z axis refused to work....It is so tight everything and the centers so awfull that I need to remake the whole system...
Now do I have to say I had all these issues and tried to reach the m@thafack@Rs but still their policy send yous the ticket... HAHAHAHa... anyway I had one ticket and asked them some questions... As always the answers are half... So I had to reopen another ticket and wait for another 5 or 6 days...
Finaly I said F@CK THEM ... I will do it my self.. I ordered some NEW RAMPS... I did a Parallel connection for the Y axis as you know the sitty crap germanreprap has 2 motors for Y axis... and only crib for Z axis...
Now I have tear apart all the Z axis and bought some roll bearings for put on top of the ball screws so I can have a decent center...
After that I will put the other motor the NEMA17 I have as spare under one of the ball screws as result to have a NEMA23 and NEMA17 power to lift the Z axis...
STAY AWAY FROM THEM!!!! Just my 2 centsLast edited by Dontknow; 11-18-2016 at 11:32 AM.
11-18-2016, 05:04 PM #20
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Interesting that you are the only one who still try to setup him,
I wondering that you ( like you write) try so many things but never get in touch with the original grr forum.
Also wondering that hundrets of that set were sold and from the most they never hered anything so sound like all running
I will not say the printer is perfekt but for a Printer who is already more than 10 years old he is still useable today ( there are only a few update over the years like dd3 / alluminium parts ..)
you buy a DIY but not get it working , but reworked by yourself a lot like it looks like less knowing about it ( sorry why should someone try to use a nema 23 for Z if its already soo much force necessary to move it)
the english manual could be better sure like all buildup desriptions , but also the english one had all information to build it up so long enough ground knowings are exiting.
that your tickets not answared like you want I wondering the only point i would belive someone was not able to build it up and want to get every single step done by them and after destroying parts to get them recovered
and if there was someone wrong they normaly try to do her best ( one case they send parts to a 500€ printer to the USA bec a board was defect the cost were extream but they did .
what show me that your knowledge for 3d printers is less is also:
You write about the washers , sure can be all special parts, but this parts cost a lot and no one want to pay that at that time
te x400 was for that time a great big printer for a great price
you can also buy a compleate one for much more ( the lot work for assambly need to be paid its not a serias production)
so my proposal sell it for an extream cheap price ( for me it sound you destroy a lot of the parts) or give him to a few student for learning
Compare to other companies GRR have a support tieckt system ( the most dont have or ever answare) and the products working ( so long with the right skill mounted or ready bought)
I have an X400 an NEO and Protos , our Makerlab has an NEo an X350 2 Ultis and a few other the only ones who are save that working a normaly the GRR ones
so far to that
Alternative to ABS?
Yesterday, 05:25 PM in 3D Printer Parts, Filament & Materials