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  1. #11
    Super Moderator Geoff's Avatar
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    I think the next 10 years will spawn a new development of components based around 3D printing, eg. instead of us using pre-existing components. Stepper motors, 8mm shafts, stock bearings etc... for example, we use the same ones as they have been using or decades in photocopiers and other devices. There can't be too many more designs for 3D printers left, there is literally so many ways to make a machine do the same thing in different ways, so realistically the next step has to be actually improving and creating new smaller, lighter and custom components for 3D printers, like higher torque smaller steppers that require less power.. heatbeds that don't draw 5-8 amps... better hot ends, jam free feeders etc..

    I am hoping in 10 years we have the neat bubblejet cheap devices on our desk.

  2. #12
    Wearables and Print-to-use gadgets with curcitry

  3. #13
    Staff Engineer LambdaFF's Avatar
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    I hope we'll be able to print (within 20km or at home) for an equal quality and a lower cost compared to buying from an ocean away.

    Including fabric based components : customized clothes and shoes.
    Including plastic based components : appliances replacement parts, non powered items, customized items, basic tools.
    And metallic components : appliances replacement parts, non powered items,, customized items, basic tools.

  4. #14
    Technologist Dargonfly's Avatar
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    I believe that in 10 years printing almost anything is possible, the only question is whether it's cost-efficient enough at that time. That will take longer probably.

  5. #15
    Join Date
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    I'm hoping it will be more widespread in classrooms and makerspaces! Also, the leaps and bounds 3D printing is making in medical applications are astounding.. I hope to see more improvements and innovations in that area.

  6. #16
    Technologist Tachout's Avatar
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    For me it would be car parts for custom cars, as I hope to be retired by then, and working on custom cars to keep myself busy

  7. #17
    I think 3D sinter printers will be the most common type and the ones specialising in metal will be cheaper.

  8. #18
    Customized wearable objects would be populare (I believe). Like you go in a shop, they take a 3d scanning of your body and 3d print your shoes or other objects that's fit perfectly. This can be done today but I believe that in 10 years this will be a popular thing.

  9. #19
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    pretty much everything.

    The technology is starting to evolve exponentially, In ten years we'll probably be printing everything from replacement organs to pork pies :-)

  10. #20
    Student nsverhagen's Avatar
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    The Netherlands

    Houses, all kinds of products, spare parts, jewelry, figurines, organs, bones

    Kind regards,

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