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  1. #1

    Bad First Layers On My Prints

    Can anyone help with my problem? As you can see in my prints the first layer is always bad and uneven however the rest of the print is fine.
    I print at a 0.1 layer height with rafts enabled. I cant find a way to stop this, Help?

    ( idk if you will be able to see the photo from the link but let me know if you cant )

  2. #2
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    well that's the surface a raft always leaves.

    So don't use rafts :-)

    What printer is it ?

  3. #3
    Its an easythreed K1, yeah ik its only a 170 dollar printer but im broke and this was the best printer i could afford

  4. #4
    Yeah i got it from bangood i can give u a link if u want

  5. #5
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    or just link here, we don;t mind links to 3d printers :-)

    It's actually a $79 dollar printer :-)

    so, guessing no heated bed ?

    What you can do is make the first layer 300% thicker than subsequent layers.

    It's almost like using a raft, but without using a raft :-)

  6. #6
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    bear in mind the 300% is assuming you are using 0.1mm layer height.
    If you make the layer taller, remember to adjust the initial layer height accordingly.

    You never want to go over 0.4mm.
    So for 0.2mm layers, first layer should be 150-200 %

  7. #7
    If your print surface is dirty and greasy, your freshly-tuned first layer settings won't do much. The first layer will most likely fail to adhere, and your print will fail. I had serviced my printer to avoid this issue.

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