Hello, all! This is certainly not my first post on the internet about this printer, but I'm hoping it's my last post asking for help. I've received tons of help and loads of knowledge, and followed many instructions to the t from helpful people on Reddit. My printer, however, continues to be increasingly frustrating. This printer is a Creality CR-10, purchased in late September. I ran it from the beginning of October to halfway through November before my sample PLA roll ran out. I ordered 10kg of GST3D's PLA+ shortly after, tested prints, did a full 13 hour print, and was super satisfied with the results. I printed the same piece again, a mirrored version of the 13 hour print. I went to bed and woke up to a printer trying to finish a piece with crazy layer separation, a mess of spaghetti on the baseplate, and a nozzle covered in melted filament. It has not printed the same sense. Another member of r/3Dprinting recommended I disassemble my hotend and clean it, and I thought I found the source of the problem there. I saw a clog, cleaned it, and tried again, encouraged. Alas, it was not enough, and my print failed again (Another file. It's not just the same one it's messing up.) Cura settings are good, everything seems to be fine.I've heard many reasons this could be happening and I'm unsure. I originally was pretty sure it was the new filament, as apparently the company can be notorious for humidity issues. Another user told me that would not cause the layer separation and clogs. I have not bought a filament dryer, although it's not off the table yet. The printer's hotend and extruder have been cleaned out fully and put back together as they were supposed to be, and everything is up to standard. What am I doing wrong here? I truly loved printing (When it worked) and can't wait to get back into it.Any ideas are welcomed! Thank you in advance!I've added pictures of some of my failed prints. https://imgur.com/a/yxrvSnN