Hi all. New printer here trying to learn the ropes. I am mostly printing figures for painting and tabletop gaming.

My issue is that the support structures seem far too thick. When I look online, I see images of a branching support with just minor contact with the PLA that easily break off. Mine are thick bars that basically span the entire structure being supported in a thick solid mass that is extremely hard to remove without breaking the thinner parts of the figures.

Here are some of my settings:

Printer: Anycubic Mega Pro
Slicer Ultimaker Cura 4.11

Structure Normal
Placement Everywhere
Overhang 60 degrees
pattern zig zag
Line distance 2.66
Support Z Dist .4
Support top dist .4
Support bot dist .2
Temp 200 degrees

Below is a picture of what I get. It is not the nice branch look as you can see.

Happy to post more settings or provide any further info. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. I feel like I have most everything working great except this!
