Here is a new printer which should begin selling sometime in the next month or so. The printer is manufactured in Poland, and called the 3D Gence. The 3D Gence Features a couple of patented technologies, and is certainly feature rich. More details on this machine can be found here: . Below are some of the key specifications of this new printer:

  • Build Envelope: 205 x 260 x 210 mm
  • Layer Thickness: 100-400 microns
  • Resolution: 100 microns
  • Layer Thickness: 100-400 microns
  • Filament Material Compatibility: ABS, PLA, Nylon, PET, Laywood

The company also claims to be working on a 3D Gence PRO which will be larger and feature an enclosed build platform. The 3D Gence will cost 1999 euro. Below is a picture of this new machine.