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  1. #1

    Complete novice, help me make a memorial!

    Hi all, complete noob question here from someone with no experience in 3D printing. My cat recently passed away, and I’m keen to make a life sized bronze statue of her. I’ve read that you can make a printable 3D model from photos, and I’m exploring if this is a reasonable option. So my idea is:

    1. Take a bunch of old photos of her and plug them into some sort of 3D photo software engine to generate a model. These would be standard cellphone pics taken on a reasonably recent phone, but they are NOT taken for this purpose, it’d be a large collection of more or less random pictures, from random angles, distances, poses, etc. I also have videos if this is helpful in any way.
    2. Get (or create) a 3D model of a Siamese / Oriental cat, possibly using a cellphone 3D “scanning” app.
    3. Overlay step 1 from the neck up on step 2, andtidy up (in Blender???)
    4. Pay someone to print this in bronze.

    So my uninformed questions are:

    1. Is all of the above feasible? Especially the creation of a model of her head using old photos.
    2. Is all of this something a hobbyist can potentially do, or would I need to hire someone to do all the software / modelling work?
    3. Are there any resources for an existing 3D Siamese cat model?
    4. Does anyone have a very general idea of how much it’d cost to pay someone to print a (small) life sized cat in bronze?
    5. Does anyone know of any examples of a 3d model made from existing photos? I'm curious how well they turn out.

    Thanks very much for any help and advice you might be able to offer.
    Last edited by Katrina_Memorial; 06-06-2021 at 07:52 PM.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    You don't print the head/cat in bronze.

    You either print it in pla or wax and use a traditional 'lost wax' method to do the bronze casting.

    The other approach would be to sculpt the head in wax and use the same casting method.

    You can print a cat's head in a plastic that looks like bronze.
    You can even prinjt it in a material that has a lot of bronze powder in it.
    That takes a lot of post processing (well elbow grease anyway)- but you can get models to look like bronze.
    Becazuse the bronze is just being used as a texturising and colouring agent - the print itself is very soft and not perticularly strong.
    But it can look a lot like bronze.

    So that side of things is the easy bit.

    Getting a 3d model from a group of random images - all different sizes and exposures - that's not going to be easy.
    There might be something new out there that could do it - but if so I've yet to hear of it.

    You're best bet would probably be a local sculptor who's used to doing animals from photos.

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