Hey Everyone,

Thanks in advance for any help you may provide. I should probably start with saying that I have been printing since early 2017 and my first printer was a BIBO V2 Dual Extruder. I’ve learned a lot, and have gotten really good at dialing in settings and getting great prints, but I’m by no means an absolute guru.

With that said, I have been having a very peculiar problem with my new-ish Ender 3 V2. I have had the printer for a while but haven’t used it much as my Ender 3 Pro workhorses have been great. But now I’ve started to explore printing parts using the V2.

The problem is for some reason the V2 is grinding my prints to all heck. Let me start by saying that the first ~10 layers go down beautifully. Like if you can imagine beautiful first layers? That’s what they are. But all the sudden I will just start hearing this gnarly grinding sound, and well... You can see for yourself what happens in the photos here:


No matter what I do, any prints that are greater than like 1.5mm in z-thickness get torn up. My first thought was obviously bed leveling but I’ve re-leveled so many times, and print a level bed test and it comes out beautifully. It is only 1mm z-thick though. I’ve tried everything I can possibly think of.

1. Varying the print temperature +- 20C
2. Varying the bed temperature +- 10C
3. Varying the print speed +- 30mm/s
4. Enabling Z-Hop on retract (I thought for sure this would do it as the grinding seems to mainly occur on travel? But no luck)
5. Bumping the Z-Hop all the way to 2mm
6. Varying the layer thickness.
7. Multiple different build plates.
8. Multiple different stick methods (painters tape, glue stick, etc.)
9. OCD bed leveling

Nothing works. I’m kind of at my wits end here. It’s like at some point in the print, the printer “forgets” to increase in the z-direction and just digs in deeper and deeper. But only on one side? Like what on earth. It’s even more bizarre that the identical print (gcode) works flawlessly on my older Ender 3 Pro’s.

As you can imagine, this has made the printer basically useless. I need clean, smooth, solid parts for my non-profit. I could use these parts for proof of concepts but I shouldn’t have to settle for that lol.

Has anyone ever seen or heard of anything like this before? Even better, does anyone know what I can do to fix it? Is it the hardware failing and thus no software changes will have any impact? If you can help me fix this, I will be forever grateful.

Standard Print Settings that have always produced great results for me (if anyone’s curious):

Material: PLA
Nozzle: 0.4mm
Print Temperature: 210C
Bed Temperature: 60C
Print Speed: 60-100mm/s
Travel Speed: 120mm/s
Initial Layer Speed: 30mm/s
Layer Thickness: 0.2mm
Initial Layer Thickness: 0.3mm

With Gratitude,