I have a CTC Bizer that I stupidly flashed to Sailfish and now have a dead system, as the extruders won't heat.
The system worked before so I'm convinced it's a firmware issue.

I've noticed on my board, there are some wires soldered directly to the board and there isn't a thermocouple installed like on every other single damn picture I see.

I can only imagine that the firmware is expecting and output from the thermocouple that doesn't exist, instead of whatever bastardization has been done to this poor board.

So, my question is, could I reroute some actual thermocouples to replace what's already there and if so, can anyone suggest some compatible ones? I'm in the UK.
Secondly, if what I am thinking is correct, could I configure Sailfish (by compiling with source) to use the pins that have been wired up?
