I am pretty sure this will be my first experience with Klipper. I ordered the big tft70 v3.0 before I had that thought and now it is a step above useless as I understand Klipper does not like the tft's. I say a step above because I think I can still use it as a 7" lcd12864 display. blah. but it's paid for and puts it to use so that's what this rig gets. I will mount a pi 4 behind the screen and hope to God I am not making a bad choice. I am not good with the python or the putty or the linux. But I really want to try input shaper and using an accelerometer mounted to my extruder to tune accelerations. All the videos I watch on the klipper they are using a tablet to communicate with the printer. I look forward to doing that. I have years spent all with Marlin. First with arduino, then with Atom, and recently just PlatformIO.