My goal is to ultimately produce small food grade silicone containers with (at this point) not a lot of minute detail, a few curves and some tight angles (If possible) mostly. However, silicone mirrors even the finish of a mold and there can be no sanding of the finished product, only flash trimming. In addition to the design requiring a two part mold, I am struggling with how best to achieve my design goals with these limitations. I am attracted to the high resolution of resin for printing molds but am a bit leery of the messiness of it (although I have a majority of the ppe needed) if it’s that much of a hassle. I’m attracted to the versatility of fdm machines, solely for the fact that I am wanting to explore other endeavors in the future beyond my current project. I expect to spend around a thousand or so for the machine and materials/upgrades needed and would like the most bang for my buck. Fdm would require printing a model, finishing, with possibly a lacquer to gloss??, casting a 2 part silicone mold, and Then casting my silicone product into the silicone mold. I am loath to cast silicone in silicone, which is why resin is so attractive to me. I realize there is a plethora of options for mold release, but without other people’s input, I am hesitant to rely on that when making a decision on which printer to purchase. And please, for the love of all that’s holy- if I’m over thinking this like I always do, please help pull my head out of my arse!