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04-15-2020, 12:19 AM #1
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I own a Febtop Optimus - anyone else here?
Yes, I will admit it. I was one of their backers. I got the original Febtop Optimus all in one with all three configurations, although I've never converted out of it's original Delta 3D printer mode. I also ended up buying their "v2" upgrade kit. Thankfully I got a good portion of that money back when it arrived damaged in shipping.
Anyway, I'm looking to network with other Optimus owners. I'm starting to run into issues that require parts replacements and I'm considering trying some upgrades.
So, anyone else with a Febtop Optimus?
04-16-2020, 10:31 AM #2
new one on me.
Interesting concept for sure.
So how do you convert it from a delta to a horizontal square cnc milling machine ?
Also what wattage is the laser ?
Looking around - I suspect the kickstarter models were the only ones ever made.
The company now makes a large square framed printer and has no mention on their website of the original optimus 3-in-1.
04-21-2020, 02:11 AM #3
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The three rails are easily removed from the Delta top and bottom plates with a few screws and reconfigured into the cartesian bed for CNC and laser use. The laser was also originally supposed to be useable in the delta configuration however the people who tried that ran into many problems I believe. I did "buy in" fully, unfortunately. I have the "10W" laser unit but I've never even tried it. My Optimus has never been reconfigured, I've only used it as a delta 3D printer. It worked passably well for about a year and a half until a failure of my BuildTak surface combined with some nagging under extrusion issues led me to set it aside until I could figure it all out. Well, I'm trying to figure it out now. Febtop's support is spotty at best. They spam their email list with every new machine they introduce but fail to support customers of their older units. I foolishly bought a v2 "upgrade" which arrived in terrible condition and when I realized that using it would eliminate my heated bed I decided to put off that conversion as well.
Febtop has made two additional models I believe, the "C1" and the "P1". Both were larger machines than the Optimus v1. The experience I have had with them and the Optimus has soured me on Febtop. The lies about where they are located (China, not Sweden as they claim), the complete lack of support, failure to even fix basic issues with the automated bed leveling system on the Optimus.
05-22-2022, 07:26 AM #4
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Came across your old thread, I'm in exactly the same boat except I bought the 5W laser which I've never used. I bought the V2 upgrade too, but have never transformed the V1 or installed the the V2 upgrade.
Similar story, bought in the first round of the kickstarter/indegogo, whatever it was. Missing parts on arrival. Followed all the instructions to find it crashed and broke on first use due to a jumper being in the wrong place on the control board that doubled it's output steps resulting in overrun and smashed the nozzle into the base. The controller box had a "warranty void if broken" sticker which I was holding sacred to keep Febtop support, support that responded once a month. I look back now having worked out it's a standard smoothieware board that I should have ignored the sticker and just replaced the board myself.
Thankfully I didn't have the heated bed on at the time. Later they put out an update with no special instructions, turned out it expanded the probing pattern for the delta levelling. If you had your heated bed installed with the connector positioned to the back, it would drive the hot end into the connector and LED, breaking the LED open and shorting out between the LED and hot end body, frying the control board. 3 months of fighting I finally got an exchange of control box. I had to send mine to Sweden, which indicates to me they at least started in Sweden and likely sold out to China. Guess I helped find the hole in their process that let the update out without instruction to rotate the bed 120degrees.
Final straw 3 years ago was I ended up with compounding problems. Another poorly defined firmware update resulted in a nozzle crash had left a dimple in the middle of the heated bed, which upset the auto levelling as it registered an extreme low point in the middle. The learning here being if it ain't broke, don't fix it and updated firmware doesn't automatically mean better. Before realising this, a subsequent print ended up leaving a huge gouge in the PEI sheet. I then restricted myself to using a 3rd of the plate that was workable. After some odd levelling issues which lead to adhesion issues, I set the first layer very low, used sand paper to liven up the PEI sheet and ended up with print sticking too well. In trying to get it off I bent the build plate and it was all over then. I enquired about replacement bed which was still available then, they wanted like $150USD to buy replacement, but $450USD shipping to Australia. I couldn't pay that much and the following week they pulled all V1 and V2 parts from the Febtop website.
Now I'm trying to revive the printer and found it's got a broken extruder too.
In the last 4 years I've had zero help from Febtop, totally soured me too. Maybe I exhausted them with the early issues I had, maybe they ignore everyone with a V1 or V2 Optimus and pretend they don't exist. If you send them an email that doesn't mention V1 or V2 you will get a response pretty quick, but not if you helped establish and build the company by buying an early version and tipping further cash in buying their upgrade, no reciprocal support!
I've advanced my garage and tooling since then and now have manual lathe and manual milling machine. I've just made a replacement aluminium plate for the heater bed, this time 8mm thick so it's stronger and so I can re-machine the surface if needed. When I removed the heater PCB from the OEM aluminium plate, I found it's just held together with double sided tape at the edges, leaving air gap between the aluminium plate and heater PCB. No wonder why it took so long to heat up. It's reassembled now with thermal grease and can heat up an 8mm plate a bit faster than it used to heat up the original 2mm plate.
I'm sure anyone reading this who is familiar with the V2 upgrade would think why not abandon the V1 delta and move onto V2 as it doesn't need the hexagonal shape bed? Well, it didn't come with a heated bed for the V2. I'm not sure if it was meant to, but it didn't. Not sure if it's climate, skill or material quality, but I've never been able to print PLA without a heated bed. The path to heated bed repair with V1 or retrofitting something to V2 seemed equally off putting at the time. I also love to watch the delta system work, it's mesmerising.
I landed on this thread today looking for information on the extruder so I can work out an alternative, had to share that I've had a similarly disappointing experience with Febtop. Hope you have worked out a way forward for your Optimus issues as it was a hell of a lot of money to throw away buying one of these disappointments.Last edited by lawton20; 05-22-2022 at 07:36 AM. Reason: Grammar
12-23-2023, 08:14 AM #5
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Hey all, I've started a resource collection/tips and tricks/upgrades repository here:
I still use mine fairly regularly, and I've been slowly upgrading the machine as I go.
10-17-2024, 02:51 PM #6
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Hi!, just wanted to say I too use mine C1 regularily still. Was a pain getting it all sorted from the beginning, wrong deliviery items, short cut killing my garage power several times etc etc., but after som month I got to know the founder of Febtop and got really god support. He also exchanged the laser for the more powerful one for free, and gave me an extra 3D printhead. Must also admit I live in Sweden, pretty close to the "factory" in Täby. Even so, the founder often personally came to me for most support. I have used all functionality but the cnc. Now I have an xTool laser instead. And the original 3D print head I re-designed and 3D-printed myself and added a direct drive all-metall hotend, perfect for all types of material. I also updated the firmware which gave me some new features. Now, I am actually looking for an easier setup, maybe an Creality K1 max or bambu Lab P, since I don't have the needed time for tuning and tweeking the printer. I still get good quality results, but I often need to make some tries before I succeed. I can possibly give som tips if somebody has problems or troubble with the machine./Mattias in Sweden
Alternative to ABS?
Today, 05:25 PM in 3D Printer Parts, Filament & Materials