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  1. #1

    Help with Layer Shifting/Printer Confuzed on Y-Axis

    I'm using a 3d printer loaned from school (flashforge finder), and I've run into a problem after about my first 20 successful prints. I'm printing face shields in two sections, and the printer has started to act very strangely. I tried some of the troubleshooting advice for layer shifting, but I'm not 100% sure that's my problem. When it starts to lay out the shape, it takes a different path the second time around. Once it starts to fill it in, it fills areas outside of the bounds it created. The area that it's filling in is more melted looking than regular prints, and the angles are strange. Also, the printer is occasionally making weird noises that I can tell aren't a result of it grating on the platform. What's going on? How might I try to fix it? Let me know if there is anything else I can add. I included photos of a previous successful print, unsuccessful print, and unsuccessful print I stopped part-way:
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