Hi all, Currently my robotics team is using the Robo R1+, a Cartisian FDM printer. We are using Hatch box Black 1.75 mm PLA. My team in the effort in 3d printing the face shield holder for the top of the PPE visors have seen a compromise in the strength of our prints. We saw this probelm occur as the filament extruded is not comming our consistently out of the nozzle or comming out in a stringy manner. We have tried unclogging the nozzels with thin allen wrenches, pushing out the PLA with ABS in attmept to melt all of the plastic out and cleaing the hobbed gear in the filament extruder. The problem still persists. Here is a link to the google photos album where I have complied photos of where this stringy extruding occured: https://photos.app.goo.gl/x3WHfTkPkxx5PsGy7