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  1. #1

    Help making a plane print friendly ?

    Hello, i exported a plane from gta v, then i cut the wings etc on fusion 360 and i filled the big holes still on fusion 360

    Here the result when i import the .obj in MeshMixer:


    Then i tried the inspector and i have a lot of errors


    If i click auto repair all I only have a few polygons left

    I can reduce the amount of errors with "Close cracks" but i still have critical errors and it reduces quality, i also tried the "Make solid" function but i can't get a correct result, always loose quality a lot.

    My goal is to add pins to plug the wings, but when i try a boolean difference i have an error

    I'm very new in the domain, do you have a solution so i can do i want to do ? Or at least a lead that could help me ? Thx !

  2. #2
    Staff Engineer
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    The zebra striped portions of the meshmixer display are reversed normals. That means that the panels are facing inward. STL files have surfaces which are inside and outside and reversed normals will not print properly.

    The original file from the game is likely poorly designed for 3D printing but works fine for gaming.

    Consider to attach the .obj file for others to examine.

  3. #3
    Well, the zebra striped portions were added by me in fusion 360 ^^
    I used a patch to fill the holes (there were the wings and the gears), maybe that was not the best idea !

    Now i can add pins and create holes with boolean diff (no error anymore), but the hole appear only behind the striped parts
    So it's useless

    Here is my model i need to print

    Thx for any help !

  4. #4
    Staff Engineer
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    I made a few attempts to repair the model with my "usual" tools, but the real fix lies in using Blender. I attempted to learn blender a few years ago, but let my skills lapse to the point where I'd have to go through the tutorials again to be effective for this model.

    I was able to properly select the edges and vertices and even able to tug them in the right direction to close up the holes, but my lack of skills frustrated me to the point of surrender.

    I also wonder if my equally poor skills in Fusion 360 would be an answer, using the Sculpt mode to close up the holes.

    The wing openings are the big problem, along with the area where nose gear would appear, but there appears to be some zero thickness surfaces here and there.

    We occasionally have a member to our makerspace who professes to some skill in Blender. I'll drop the file on my laptop and when/if he appears, have him take a gander.

  5. #5
    So i was able to remove the striped parts with meshmixer (FlipNormals tool) then i could add my holes correctly
    There are still bunch of errors even if i could remove many of them


    Pretty sure my slicer can deal with the errors on the body, but for the looses all the details


    So here is the best i could get :

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