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  1. #1

    How has 3d printing changed your life?

    My girl and I are thinking of buying one and it just seems to us like buying this device will just change our life In a major way. Well hardly ever need to purchase small items ever again, and it just really seems like it will revolutionize our lives. Is this accurate? Are they really machines to solve almost every practical need we could have? Or are they kinda shitty and mostly for gimmics?

  2. #2
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    lol not sure they are life changing, but definitely far from 'shitty' and definitely NOT just for printing stupid little boats :-)
    I'm thinking of starting the 'anti-benchy league'.

    The first thing you need to understand is that most of the things you'll want to make for your home will need to be designed from scratch - by you !

    Now that is one aspect I love. I can think of a thing, design it and hold it in my hand in the space of a couple of hours.
    That aspect is definitely life changing.

    Most small broken bits of plastic can be replaced.
    My current job is to make a 'patch' for a patio door where someone tried to break into a house.
    The shape is totally irregular and there will need to be a lot of after print file work.
    But it's an example of something that would be near impossible with any other technology.
    I did think - lots of epoixy resin and paint it white. But the printed patches should look a lot better. Enough silicon sealant behind it should make it watertight as well.

    Most really useful makes are one off's.
    That said I make and give out an awful lot of 'shopping trolly keys' with my company name on.

    So while not necessarily life changing - 3d printing is definitely life enhancing and far from a waste of time :-)

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