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  1. #1

    First print ever...what happened here?

    This is my first ever non bed leveling print. The the side facing the bed is terrible. But the walls and tops are very nice. Here are the pics. (PLA at 210 with 60 bed temp)


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  2. #2
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    couple of things.
    what printer do you have ?
    what layer height and speed did you print at ?

    What orientation did you print it in ?
    did you use supports ( there don't appear to be any flat surfaces to put to the printbed)

    Given the shape, it looks pretty good. A little work with mini files and sanding block and it'ss be pretty good.

    It doesn't appear to be designed by anyone who regularly designs for fdm printers - ie: No flat surface to key to the print bed. The back really doesn't need to have that curve.

  3. #3
    Layer height was .16 and 60 speed. I turned on supports in cura (or atleast I thought I did). But when I first imported the stl into cura I did flip it to having the face that printed poorly to be facing the bed. So that has to be the problem. It didnt make sense the other way as it would have had the entire inside needing lots of support. It is supposed to be flat I think it just warped.

  4. #4
    Also its an Ender 3. Should I try printing it slower and maybe at .08?

  5. #5
    Printed a test cube at .04 and 30 speed. Same problem. Perfect walls and sides but terrible bottom.

  6. #6
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    What slicer are you using? I would really like to see all slicer settings. Though taking my best guess.

    It appears that you are printing too hot and burning the filament reduce the Hot-end temp to 202C.
    It appears that your bed adhesion is not working Clean your bed with 70% Isopropyl alcohol or higher.
    Increase the print speed to 40% for the first layer then increase the speed to 60% for remaining print.
    If you do not have a parts fan get on set it to about 50% after the first layer is printed.

    As this is your first print I would also change your layer height to .24 this layer height is fine for a Raspberry Pi Case.
    Last edited by Roberts_Clif; 07-28-2019 at 07:48 AM.

  7. #7
    I ordered a glass bed. Im thinking im not close enough to the bed to get a good squish with the default soft bed. Ill try the options you suggested also. Profile is attached if you are curious.
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  8. #8
    Ok I figured out the problem. I enabled mesh bed leveling in the marlin firmware to correct VERY uneven print surface between the front and back of the bed. But the mesh leveling doesnt seem to work on the ender 3. That or its configured incorrectly.

  9. #9
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    In order to help with Bed leveling, knowing what Firmware you are using helps.

    I am assuming Marlin in this case. When you Auto home then Bed level in your slicer you can tell the 3D Printer to enable bed leveling data.

    You start the 3D Printer do a auto home then a Auto Bed Level.
    Then you must save the Bed Leveling Data in one of two ways using M500 or the LCD menu item Store Data.
    Now your Bed leveling data is stored in order to use this data you must tell your Slicer startup G-Code to Enable the Bed leveling data.

    to do this you will Place a " M420 S1 ; Bed Leveling on " in your slicer startup G-Code after the Last G29 /G29 connand

    I placed mine On as the next to last line.

  10. #10
    Thanks! this fixed about 90% of my problems One quick question...does Bed Z:

    a) do nothing
    b) raise bed (so positive values bring the bed closer to the extruder)
    c) raise extruder (positive values bring it farther away from bed)

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