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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    New Jersey, USA

    Autolift Precision 3D Printer Hot Ends on Kickstarter

    This is an interesting Kickstarter projects I came across today. It's for Autolift Precision 3D Printer Hot Ends on Kickstarter.

    Here are some of the features that these hotends provide the user:

    • A Plug-and-play groove style mount
    • Extremely durable with micro linear bearing
    • Includes a 0.35 mm nozzle
    • Hand assembled fan by D3D team
    • Includes a 40w cartridge
    • Includes Autolift remote mount
    • 300º C thermistors included (500º C optional)
    • Compactly designed
    • Made of all metal for handling of high temps
    • No Kapton Tape Required

    Those who back their kickstarter campaign will have the product shipped to them as soon as this August.
    Watch the video below from their kickstarter campaign:

  2. #2
    Does anyone know which printers this will work on? Can I use it on a Ultimaker?

  3. #3
    Does anyone else think the lift / filament swap mechanism is over-engineered?

  4. #4
    Super Moderator DrLuigi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Seen something simulair months ago,
    Seems like they have more luck this time

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by pathfindr View Post
    Does anyone know which printers this will work on? Can I use it on a Ultimaker?
    The Autolift hot ends are designed to work with any j-head or groove style mount most commonly used in the Reprap community. Since there are so many hot ends available with the groove mount style, there are many adapter designs available. I checked Thingverse and it appears there are a number of options available. This one is designed for the E3D hot end which has a larger fin diameter than ours but the rest of the hot end (i.e. length and groove mount) are comparable. We are also working on adapter mounts for the more popular printers, this is quite an undertaking without having all of the printers on hand....

    I hope this helps!

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by 3dkarma View Post
    Does anyone else think the lift / filament swap mechanism is over-engineered?
    We definitely engineered the system to perform to a high standard. The reason we embarked on the development of these components was primarily because we were so dissatisfied with the performance of the printer we purchased. When we purchased our printer we expected to use the machine for rapid prototyping, but we found ourselves constantly tinkering and rapid repairing the extruder and related components. Now we are able to spend our time printing with the machine rather than tinkering with it to get it to print.

    So our system is definitely robust and may provide greater functionality/reliability than is necessary in every case, but for our use, its definitely necessary.

  7. #7
    Staff Engineer LambdaFF's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    France, Aix en Provence
    Their sites says it will be compatible with groove mounts. Could someone please explain a bit I must admit I don't understand.
    More importantly :
    - I'm wondering what weight delta this entails... from what I've read the delta are very sensitive to weight on the platform.
    - Could someone list which printers are standard with groove mounts ?

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