Hello All,

Im having a problem converting my CTC Replicators motherboard to a MKS Gen v1.4 board. I cannot find any direct wiring diagrams from the CTC board to the MKS. I have googled the conversion and really nothing comes up showing the wiring from one to another, although I know it can and has been done. All I see on the internet are lots of pictures of the board, but nothing showing it with the CTC. I also checked out Thingiverse, again nothing. Has anyone done this conversion? Im not tech savvy in regards to 3d printers and don't understand the jargon, but have experience in mechanical design and manufacturing. I have labeled all the wires from the CTC board and have replaced wires and ends top switches.
If anyone can help that would be highly appreciated as Im trying to get this printer back up and running.
I will try to post pics both the stock CTC motherboard and the MKS Gen v1.4 that I have purchased.
