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  1. #1

    newbi quick questions

    have done some research but i am stuck on some things.

    1) to print RC parts (remote control like traxxas, parts), would nylon be the same strength and durability?

    2) to design something, it seems the cost of the software is more expensive than the machine. is there a cheap option?

    3) slicing program - what do you guys use and price.

    i know there are millions of files out there, so i may be able to find the RC parts (files) that i need to replace.

  2. #2
    Staff Engineer
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    Jun 2014
    I can't answer number one with any authority, only guessing, so I'll skip that one.

    Number two has many of free answers, including Fusion 360, which is free for hobbyists and even commercial users below a rather generous limit value. For your application, Fusion 360 would be ideal, but has a bit of a learning curve. Many tutorials are available to make that task easier.

    If you have a 3D printer, you may have recommendations from the manufacturer. Free slicers are available, Cura, Slic3r, Matter Control, others. I use Simplify3D but that's a purchased program.

  3. #3
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    nylon would probably be too floppy. As well as being a more advanced filament to print properly.
    pla or petg would be absolutely fine.

    loads of free cad programs - I use openscad, which has a different approach. Good if - like me - you can't draw :-)
    yeah no end of slic3rs around. Most are free. Depending on your printer, I'd say simplify3d is worth buying. But not a strict necessity.

    check out thingiverse for existing files :-)

  4. #4
    Staff Engineer
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    I also prefer OpenSCAD and neglected to add that suggestion.

  5. #5
    nylon hard to print not probably what you want..maybe PETG just go my first roll and have not opened it yet but I hope it is the bees knees for mechanically strong parts.
    Slicers I got Simplify 3D $140 as it is what MakerGear recommends for the M2. No matter which slicer you choose, there is a steep learning curve, 3Dprinting is not plug and play. This is like a black hole.. your time just gets sucked up ..
    Cad software, I choose onshape as it is geared to professional engineers but it is free, with the caveat all your designs are in public space.. Easy to learn the basics and powerful if you put the time in (have not done that yet)
    My advice is to save your money, commit to the hobby and buy a higher end printer that has a track record of quality and reliability. There are too many other things to deal with and having a finicky printer on top of it would be enough to cause me to quit before getting started.
    Good luck

  6. #6
    thanks, have a lot of useful info here

    to condense the info : fusion360, openscad, onshape : no end of 3d slicers but simplify3d is highly recommended

    still a bit confused about nylon as have seen youtube video's of some very strong hooks (supports body weight - but i didn't get the material
    with research : specifically nylon12 (hey, just realised the page comes from and scroll down to nylon.
    a piece of the section : "It’s thermo and chemically stable, which means it won’t change shape much in extreme low and high temperatures, or degrade with most chemicals. It’s extremely durable, and even flexible when printed thin. And it’s got a very low friction coefficient among other benefits, which is why it’s often used for plastic gears in RC cars."
    i haven't bought a machine yet - and yes the more i learn the more i need to learn

    edit - fusion360 is free for only a year

    quote :
    • The free Start-Up/ Enthusiast licenses allow you to access Fusion 360 with a yearly subscription after the trial period has ended. You can use this license if you are a small business making less than $100,000 per year (or equivalent), or if you're a hobbyist using Fusion 360 for non-commercial purposes.
    Last edited by nazar; 05-24-2018 at 10:07 PM. Reason: additional info

  7. #7
    Staff Engineer
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    Jun 2014
    I've seen articles referencing 3D printed nylon parts as being durable. The same articles will also describe how challenging it is to print with nylon filament, as it is hygroscopic (absorbs water) in as little as a day, destroying the structural strength of anything printed with the stuff.

    The "only a year" aspect means that one has to renew or re-register. I'm on my second or third year absolutely free.

  8. #8
    absorbs water great point, thanks.

    re-register : that helps a lot, thanks for the info

  9. #9
    Engineer ralphzoontjens's Avatar
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    Yes the nylon is susceptible to environmental influences.
    For RC parts used outdoor also consider POM, if you can manage printing with the stuff.

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